Chapter 19

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Jaimin pov

Kyra's face turned bright red, her eyes as wide as saucers. Honestly she looked so cute. "I- I meant that we're mates so... you know"

I shook my head "no I don't know would you please enlighten me" I asked acting clueless.

That's when Brendan burst out laughing "leave the poor girl alone she looks like she's going to explode"

Ameera skipped back over with a cup of coffee "I love coffee! Coffee loves me!" Then she took a big sip "we're one big coffee family!"

Brendan's head slipped off his hand, banging on to the table. "I'm okay" he mumbled raising his head up again.

Ameera then turned to Kyra "I need your help restocking my wardrobe. The clothes on my back are now the only ones I have"

Brendan then stood up and took off his jumper "here add this to your collection"

She hesitated but put it on. She purred quietly "this smells so good" She moaned "even better than coffee" Brendan gave a big smile.

Give her your jumper my wolf growled at me. Sighing I stood up and took my jumper off, giving it to ameera. She gave me a weird look but took it muttering a thanks. Not her you idiot! You are meant to give it to Kyra.

'Well you could of been more clear' I snapped back.

Before I could say anything else Kyra snatched the jumper off ameera "that's not for you" she said before shoving it in her bag. I guess she kinda got what was going on with my wolf or she doesn't want anyone else wearing my clothes.

Either way she got what my wolf wanted her to have. That kept him happy.

"Good because she doesn't want his jumper" Brendan said sending a glare my way then he turned to acel "or yours"

Acel scoffed "I've only got one that fits I'm not giving that up for any of you"

Ameera shrugged "that's cool, hey Brendan do you fancy going to out with me on Saturday?"

Brendan turned to her "well I got to work on Saturday but I'm sure any other day would be fine" Ameera frowned for a second before nodding.

"I'll cover for you" I told him.

His head snapped to me "really?" I nodded he gave me a bright smile "thanks I owe you one"

"Yes you do" I replied. That's when the school bell rang.

"Well lets go to form" Kyra said then looked at me "I'm keeping the jumper" she then walked off.


"Alright everyone welcome to da annual cross Courtney run" miss bevan cheered. Everyone groaned but it fell on deaf ears to miss.

"Everyone when you hear da whistle you will go and run three laps around the school I vill record your times. Und no cheating I have eyes everywhere" her eyes landed on ameera at the last words.

Ameera groaned "really!" She exclaimed

"On your marks! Get set!" Then the whistle was blown and everyone started to run. The boys and I started to sprint ahead of everyone, omegas might not be one of the strongest but they are one of the fastest.

"See ya!" Kyra called running past us. Like I said one of the fastest but no THE fastest. She turned back for a second to send me a smirk before going back to running.

I smiled at that "dude go chase her" Brendan said to me. I sent him a confused look " are you blind? She wants you to chase her"

"she does?" I asked in confusion.

"Boys are dumb" ameera muttered falling in step with us.

"Hey! I figured it out" Brendan complained

Chase her you idiot! My wolf growled out I won't loose my mate because of your slow ass

After talking a deep breath I sped up my speed. Kyra then turned a corner sending me a wink as she went.

That encouraged me to speed up some more. As soon as I turned the corner Kyra turned her head again and gave a laugh before carrying on.

I playfully growled and carried on running, gaining on her. We were probably far ahead of everyone.. before I could reach for her I tripped over my own feet, sending us both tumbling onto the floor. Kyra Yelped as we went down.

Just before we hit the ground I switch us round so I'd be the one who hit ground. Groaning I looked up to see Kyra smirking at me.

She gave a small laugh, that I returned. Then her hand reached up to my hair, pulling out a leaf. Then her hand slowly grazed down to my check.

"Your bright red" she said with a laugh.

I raised an eyebrow "well I was trying to catch an alpha" I smirked.

Her smirk widened "well you caught me" Then she leant down whilst I leaned up.

"Yo!" A voice called just before our lips could meet. Damn it Brendan "are we interrupting anything?"

"Yeah you were" I growled at him.

He put his hands up in mock surrender "jeez you should be lucky we arrived around that corner before leya and her 'gang' did"

With that both me and Kyra stood up. And carried on running.

"So what are you guys doing after school?"ameera asked

"me and the guys are going to pack up the flat to move into the pack house" I replied whilst starting a slow jog

"Need help?" Kyra asked.

I was about to protest but Brendan beat me to it "sure! Acel said he wanted to use the shower in the school anyway so we gonna need all the help that we can get"

"We also need the alphas permission to move into the pack house" I reminded him.

"Yeah I didn't think of that one. It terrifies me even looking at the guy he's just got that scary look" Brendan exclaimed looking at us all then his eyes widened in terror "the same look that Kyra's got right now"

"Stop talking about my dad that way and I'll get you all a room in the pack house" She snapped

Brendan's only reply was a shaky nod of the head.

Brendan's only reply was a shaky nod of the head

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His alpha female mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن