Chapter 9

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Outfit for date ^-^

Emma's P.O.V:

"You two are fighting cause of me!" Thomas suddenly yelled. He picked up Luke by his shirt. "You got a problem with me, Hemmings!"

"I-I n-no" Luke stuttered.

"What you can't speak, you didn't seem to have a problem before!" He throw Luke to the ground.

"Thomas, stop this" I said, getting up and going over to him.

"Why?! Did you tell him? Cause I thought we weren't telling anyone"

Thomas you idiot!

"What is he talking about?" Robert asked.

"Nothing" I said.

"I have a date with her" Thomas said with a smirk on his face.


Like I said before, Thomas You Idiot!!!

"You're dating him?" Luke asked, why does he look so hurt.

"No, it just one date. It means nothing" I said.

"I mean nothing to you"

"You just need to shut up right now" I pointed at Thomas. "I need to go" and left. Why is my life so complicated right now.

Luke's P.O.V:

What just happened? She going out with Thomas. This can't be happening. I still on the floor afraid to get up.

"How did you get a date with Emma and I can't" Robert said angrily.

"Cause I'm hot and this guy she likes supposedly doesn't like her back"

She like someone. Great there goes my chances with her. She smart, funny, beautiful. She everything I want. I got up off the floor, ignoring Robert and Thomas fighting and went into my house. I passed my mom in the kitchen on the way to my room.

"Hey, Sweetie. Why aren't you outside with your friends?" She asked, as she still washes the dishes from dinner.

"I uh....Emma's going out with Thomas and Robert is fighting with him" I choked out. She looked at me shocked and stopped what she was doing and came over to me, hugging me. That's when I started crying.

"Oh Sweetie, it's going to be okay"

"No it's not. I lost her, mom" I cried.

She took my face and wiped my tears away. "You haven't lost her, Luke. You need to go up to that girl and tell her how you feel"


"No 'Buts'. You're 17 years old are you going to let your little brother win that girl's heart or are you?"

(A/N: Luke is the older twin)

No he's not. I won't let him or any of the other boys. I have to tell her, first thing tomorrow.

*Next Day*

Emma's P.O.V:

Ever since I woke up this morning, Thomas has been blowing up my phone.

From Thomas⚽️:
Can't wait to see you tonight

From Thomas⚽️:
Make sure to wear something HOT🔥😉

I got dressed and then headed out to school not bothering to stop get something to eat, which I'll be regretting later on today.

*At School*

Twins (5sos Fanfic) *Discontinued*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant