Chapter 6

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Emma's P.O.V:

My alarm woke me up the next morning. I slowly made my way out of bed and to my closet to find something to wear today. Once I did that and got changed and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Morning Sweetheart" My dad said, as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning" I mumbled back, as I sat down on one at the bar stools, folding my arms, and laying my head against them.

"Who's taking you to school today?" He asked as he placed a plate of 'who know what' in front of me. He wasn't the best cook, I'm pretty sure these are pancakes or was cereal at some point. All I know is that I'm not eating it.

"Cliffords, I should get going they are probably waiting" I told him getting up and heading for the door.

"But you haven't eaten yet" He said grabbing the plate.

I looked at it and then him. "Would you eat it?" He looked at it and tossed the plate.

"Have a great day, Em" He said before we heard a crash.

"Bye, Dad" I walked out the door and started making my way across the street toward Michael's house.

When I got to the house, I open the front door and walked right in cause you know no one seem to lock their doors in this neighborhood. I placed my bag down on the floor next to the door and made my way to the kitchen. "Morning Daryl, morning Karen" I said, when I saw them. 

"Morning Emma. The boys driving you today" I nodded. "I believe they are still asleep. Would you mind waking them up before you all are late?" Karen asked.

"Not at all" and I ran up the stairs to their rooms. Like all of the other boys they each had a letter of their first initial on their door.

I went into the one with the "M" on it, what was obviously Michael's room. I slowly opened the door, it was pitch black and hard to see where I was going, but I can make out where his bed is. I slowly made my way over to him. Once my eyes adjusted I saw that Michael was cuddling his stuffed Pikachu.

"Awww" I whispered. Too bad I have to wake him up. I grabbed one of the pillows on the floor and hit him with it. "Mikey! Wake Up!"

He shot up. "The Pizza Mine!" OH, hey Em"

I raised my eyebrows at him and shook my head. "Get ready, we're going to be late." He started to get up and ready and I headed across the hall to Gordon's. I just flipped the light switch and yelled to "wake up".

He jumped and fell out of bed. He slightly stood up and looked around until his eyes fell on me. "Seriously, Emma!" He groaned, standing all the way up and I screamed.

He was completely naked.

I covered my eyes, the door opened and Michael came in pushing me to the floor. "Why'd you scream? What'd he do?" He then saw why I screamed. "Dude, put on some clothes" Taking me out of the room and covering my eyes.

*At School*

We got out of the car and made our way to the cafeteria to meet up with the rest with of the boys. I was really nervous after what happen yesterday with Thomas. I don't know if I can face him right now. I walked into the cafeteria and him and Calum weren't here yet.

"Morning Em" Luke said to me as I sat down.

"Morning guys" I went into my backpack to finish some homework I didn't do last night.

"Hey guys" I looked up to see Calum and behind him Thomas wasn't that far behind. Our eyes locked and he gave me a sad look.

I can't just sit here and pretend like it didn't happen. The boys will start asking questions. I need to talk to someone. I grabbed the person next to me arm and pulled them out of the cafeteria with me. Once we were far from the cafeteria, I turned around to see who I pulled with me. Fletcher, well it could have been worst, he much nicer out of those four. "Em? Is everything okay?" He asked.

"I-I don't know how to say this. I just need to talk to someone" I chocked out.

He grabbed both my shoulders, making me look up at him. "Emma, you know you tell me anything" I was silent for a moment.

"Thomas kissed me"

"What?!" Fletcher backed away from me.

"I don't know why he did it. It was after detention and I was walking to my car and he was talking me and just happened" I explained. "Now I don't know if I can face him, cause I just pushed away from him, ran to my car and drove away" I can feel the tears well up in my eyes. I looked away from him cause I don't like when people see me cry. Fletcher pulled me closer to him.

"What the hell is going on?!" Fletcher and I pulled away. The rest of the boys where standing there and Robert was fuming. I turned slightly and wiped my eyes.

"Emmy, are you crying?" Luke asked, pushing passed from the back. All their eyes soften.

"What? No. Look we are going to be late for class, we should start heading there before the bell rings" I said, heading in the opposite direction.

"But our class is this way" Michael said, pointing in the other direction.

"I'm taking the long way" I yelled from down the hall.


I closed my locker, getting my books for my last classes, and slowly made my way to the cafeteria. I was the last one to the table, trying to avoid Thomas's gaze.

"Great, Em's here. Now we can continue talking about tomorrow plans" Gordon said, as I sat down.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "We were thinking about going to the beach tomorrow, since are off the next two days" Ashton said.

"The-the beach?"


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