Chapter 4

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Emma's P.O.V:

"I think you should go home, Thomas" I finally said, looking away from him.

"I understand" He said sadly. I closed the door and leaned my back up against it. Thomas is one of my best friends, I could always forgive him, but I need time. What said hurt me. I don't care if he was angry or not, if he really cared about me, he wouldn't have said that. I can't deal with him right now.

I got back up to my room and shut everyone else out. For real this time.


When I woke up the next morning and all I felt was pain, not physically, but mentally. The sun was barely shining through my curtains. Which means it was really early and everyone would still be asleep. I jumped out of bed, grabbed a jacket, and heading for the front door, quietly.

As I made my way down the street, it was still a little dark cause the sun was slowly rising at this point. Where I was heading was a long ways away. It would be shorter if I drove, but I needed to clear my head of everything in my life, which is also why I didn't grab my phone.

And like I don't feel like seeing him tomorrow at school. It's gonna be weird, I just hope nothing else happens. I don't need any more problems right now.

I finally got where I needed to go, after miles of walking it felt like forever. I pushed the gate opened and made my way where I needed to go. Once I got there I sat down, leaned my back up against it, and hugged my knees. This is all I needed right now, to be with someone who isn't right there with me.

"I miss you so much" I whispered to myself.

*Few Hours Later*

Calum's P.O.V: (A/N: There going to be a lot of different point of views in this chapter)

"Calum wake the fûck up! CALUM! Yo, Puppy Boy wake up!" The last one woke up cause I had something hard hit me.

"What the hell?!" I yelled at them.

"Got up and dress. We need to go" I rubbed my eyes and looked at Thomas confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Emma's missing" was all he said.

"What?!" I screamed and jumped at of bed, trying to find something to wear quickly.

"Her dad said, her bedroom door was open and she wasn't there or anywhere else in the house" He told me.

"Haven't they tried calling her?"

"She doesn't have her phone with her" He said slowly. I looked at him shocked. That's not like Emma at all, to go somewhere and not tell anybody. She could be anywhere and there's so many places she could have gone. Thomas and I get in his car and start driving around town to see if we can find her. Please Emma, please be okay.

Michael's P.O.V:

"Why the hell would she do this?! I mean this is so not like her, what even going through that girls mind!" I was currently at Emma's house with her two boys, Ryan and Brandon, her dad and Alex went out to look for her like everyone else. We stayed back just in case she comes home and we can tell everyone. Right now, Ryan is have some weird form of a panic attack in the living room. Brandon and I were on the couch watching the entire thing unfold. "I mean what if she's hurt, she has no one to tell cause she didn't bring her fûcking phone!" And I had to cover Brandon's ears every time Ryan cursed. "What if she jump off a cliff?!" Okay, now it's gone too far.

"Dude, she would never do something like that" I finally said.

"How do you know that?! She doesn't tell you guys everything!" He yelled, very close to my face.

"Why don't you calm down and sit and relax, like us" I said calmly.

"Why don't you sit down?!"

What?! "I am! Look we are all worried about her, we just have to think positive about this. She could be fine for all we know at the park or something" He didn't say anything just broke down crying. I felt bad, but at least he stopped yelled every two seconds.

Ashton's P.O.V:

"You're wrong! She wouldn't go there!" Luke yelled.

"Oh so you know where she is, why don't you fûcking drive then!" Robert yelled back.

It's been like this since we left their house. Yelling at each other which way to go or places she might be. I should have stayed back with Michael or got in someone else car.

"Why don't you two shut up and go to all though places. She could be anywhere, why not go to all!" Fletcher yelled at them. Which also shut them up. Thank goodness.

"I still don't get it. Why would she just get up and leave and not tell anyone?" Robert said.

"This is all Thomas fault. He just had to be an idiot and not use that small brain of his" Luke said, as he gripping the armrest tightly, his knuckles were white.

I looked out window as we drove. "Hey, Ash. You okay? You've been quiet this whole time" Fletcher asked.

"I just want her to be okay" I said.

"We all do, Ash. I just wish we knew if she was okay. I'm hoping she is"

Me too, I thought

Emma's P. O. V:

I lifted my head and opened my eyes to see darkness all around me. Did I really stay here all day? I stood up quickly and wiped the dirt off me. I press my fingers to my lips and then down on the stone. It was quite chilly out tonight, thank god I brought a jacket with me this morning when I left.

I made my way through the gate again and started heading down the street back home. I wish I knew what time it was. I couldn't really tell, for all I know it could be midnight or 10 o'clock or something. Getting to my house seem to be a lot fast then before, maybe cause I wasn't in a rush hours ago.

I finally got to my house, opened the front door, and was met with someone giving me a bone crashing hug. "Oh my god, you're alive. I was so worried about you. Don't you ever do that again" Ryan said, making his grip tighter with each word.

"Can't. Breathe" I tried to say. He let me go and could breathe again.

"Where were you all day?" He asked. I looked at him confused.

"Where else do I go when I'm sad?" I said to him. I walked passed him and headed upstairs.

I took off my jacket and throw it on my bed. I grabbed my phone to look at the time to see it said, 11:38 p.m. I also have 50 missed calls and 39 text messages from everyone. I should probably tell them I'm okay.

To Luke🐧, Robert😎, Calum🐶, Thomas⚽, Mikey🎮, Gordon🍕, Ashton☀, Fletcher🍤:

Sorry for the scare, I just needed to be alone without anyone annoying me. I'm home now so no need to worry anymore 😔

I didn't wait for a reply from them and plugged my phone into the charger. I changed out of my clothes and went to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


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