Acting Coach

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Imagine being Ben's hair stylist but you double as his acting coach (idk if that's a thing) and he's having some trouble with a couple of the Sherlock lines :)


"Fucking hell." Ben grumbled as he sat on the velvet couch in his dressing room, putting his head in his hands and groaning loudly. He threw his script down on the couch spread himself out on the couch, gripping his hair tightly in frustration. He reached over to pick up his phone and immediately went to his messages to text you.

Hey, are you busy?

He didn't have to wait 5 seconds to get a response.

No. Why, are you okay?

He chuckled and sighed contently; (Y/N) - his hairdresser and best friend - was the most considerate person in the world and would not hesitate to drop everything to come help him.

I need help with lines. Are you on set?

Yes, I'll be over in 5.

--- TIME SKIP ---

You knocked on the door lightly, hearing a slight grumble as a response, which said so much already. You walked into the room, and he gave to indication that he was happy to see you, even though he secretly was. His mood overtook his British gentlemenliless (it's a word shut up) and he only gave you a half-wave.

"Now is that any way to treat a friend who dropped her schedule to come help her friend with lines?" You teased, putting your hands on your hips and pursing your lips in a tight smile.

"Apologies." He said, getting up and walking over to you. "I meant to say: Thank you so much (Y/N), what would I ever do without you?" He pulled you in for a hug and you gladly accepted, running your hands along his back soothingly to make him more comfortable. He rested his head on your shoulder and moved his hands up to your stomach to pull you closer. When you pulled out, you peaked over his shoulder to look at the paper scattered around the couch. Slowly, you started to walk towards them, but you were pulled back by your shirt into another embrace. You squealed; your back was against his chest and he rested his head atop your head.

"They must be really tough lines right?" You giggled, melting against his touch. He hummed his response and pulled you closer for another second before letting you go and placing a kiss on your temple.

"Really, thank you."

"I'm always here." And you always were, one time he called you while you were in a completely different state, and you drove all the way back to comfort him through his breakup.

"Okay... so what do we have here?"

"Lines." He grumbled. "Learning lines for Sherlock is like driving really fast and then thinking 'oh! is that a wall?'" You smiled, taking his hand and leading him back to sit on the couch, taking the papers in your hand and looking at them thoroughly.

"Damn." You muttered, seeing that most of the lines consisted of the word Sherlock and then paragraphs of lines under it, while Martin lucked out and said his normal lines, such as "Shut up, Sherlock." or "Brilliant, it's brilliant."

"I thought my lines were hard." You said, rolling your eyes and looking over at Ben who was sulking on the couch, slumped into the shape of it with his arms crossed. You inched closer to him. "Come on, then. You signed up for this shit and now you have to do this shit. Let's read through them." He grumbled in response, so you were forced to take action.

"Alright. Sit on the edge of the couch." You ordered in a voice that at this point he just stopped arguing with. He did as instructed and you sat behind him while handing him the sheets of paper.

"Read the first line." He did as you said, firing through the first three sentences before stumbling over a few of his words and grunting with frustration. "Okay. You're stressed. How long have you been trying to learn these lines?"

"Since last night." He grunted, rubbing his one-day stubbled chin with his hand.

"Wait... you've been up since last night?" He nodded, making your mouth drop open and sigh like a disappointed mother. "Oh, Ben." You sighed, deciding it's time to play your last card.

You slowly inched towards him more - he eyed you curiously - and moved your hands up to his tense shoulders, beginning to rub soothing circles into them. He sighed appreciatively as he started to visibly relax and leaned into your touch. His head lolled back and his eyes starting to flutter shut. You continued to rub his neck, hearing a soft groan every time you worked out a bad spot or rubbed his neck in a certain way. He wasn't sleeping, he was too content on your magic hands and started thinking about what else they could do. Pushing that thought out of his head, he focused on how good this felt and how he hoped it would never end.

You moved your hands up to his hair and did the same circular motions, making him groan out - which he blushed for - and lean against you fully. You held his body weight against you as you moved your hands up and down his back, massaging it gently. Once again - although it wasn't soft - he groaned when you hit a good spot or rubbed his back in a certain way.

"You need to sleep, Benedict. Your brain is working wayyyyy too hard." He didn't respond, he couldn't, he was too preoccupied by the way your hands were working out every bad spot in his back. Instead, he let out an agreeing hum as he started to get sleepier and sleepier.

As you felt his weight start to become heavier, you leaned his head on your lap and began to rub and massage his scalp. You tugged once in a while, knowing what he liked and knowing he had sensitive hair follicles, making him groan in a good way. His eyes were shut and his face was completely relaxed, his groans subsiding to soft sighs. You smiled, scooted over and lied him back on the couch, where he grumbled at the loss of contact.

"Shhh, Ben. Sleep." You started to get up, but you were dragged back by the bottom of your shirt.

"Stay with me, please?" You nodded, sitting by his stomach and continuing to run your fingers through his hair. Every once in a while he would hum, or sigh, or groan if your fingernail got caught on one of his hairs, which lead to you apologizing.

You started to get sleepy yourself, and Ben could feel your movements slowing, so he grabbed your stomach to lie you back on the couch with him. You took your hand out of his hair and sighed as his hand started to rub circles along your stomach. Although you were just friends, you had a huge crush on Ben and lived for moments like these. Little did you know that Ben was thinking the exact same thing. His other hand went through your hair and started to stroke it gently and he pulled you closer. The warmth of his body against yours made you start to fall into a dreamy before sleep state.

At the same time, you couldn't help but feel awkward - as you were just friends - but you ignored it. Soon, you drifted off to sleep yourself.

You were Ben's acting coach, best friend, and hairdresser.

Today, you were so much more.

I know it's not super good but here ya go!

Btw, the fanfics are going to be on a hiatus for a bit because I'm currently in New York City for a class trip!!

Have a great day my lovelies xx

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