Meeting Benedict

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This is an imagine where you have gotten called back to play Janine in Sherlock (pretend you play Janine instead of that other chick). We all know what happens between Sherlock and Janine in season 3 *le smirk*.

This is a first time meet so let's pretend Janine wasn't Janine in the wedding and stuff, let's pretend she was Susan or something 😂

Anyway, I'm new at this so sorry if it's bad.
I breathe out, nerves making my hands shake, releasing a zoo of butterflies in my stomach.

I had met Steven Moffat and Mark Gattiss on set already, they gave me a tour and everything, but they didn't tell me who the co-stars were. They said they wanted to keep the "mystery" for a newcomer.

Opening the door, I step inside and see the group standing nonchalantly around the set, talking amongst themselves. Their heads perked up when they saw me, immediately stopping their conversations to smile at me. My face flushed as I shakily walked over to them.

"Hello, you must be (Y/N)." A tall British man with mysteriously colored eyes said, walking over to me. "I'm Benedict Cumberbatch, but you can call me Ben."

"H-Hi. Nice to m-meet you." I stuttered, cursing myself for stumbling over my words in front of Sherlock himself. He smiled and looked down at me.

"First time jitters?" I nod slowly, and he smirks at my nervousness. "It's alright, we all get them."

"Ben! 20 minutes!" Someone from the set calls over to him with a bit of an annoyed look on their face.

"Oh, erm... I have to go get in costume. I'll see you on set!"

"Y-yeah." I said as he rushed away, dragged off by one of the costume designers. "See you there..."

--- TIME SKIP ---

My face turned tomato red when I got into costume. I self-consciously held my button up shirt over my underwear.

"Don't worry, you look great." One of the stylists said, fluffing my (h/c) hair up a bit.

"Thanks." I said nervously, breathing out and nodding back towards the set. I walked into the room and saw Martin standing at the frame.

"Hello. You must be Janine!" He turned around when I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, my names (Y/N). Nice to meet you."

"Lovely to meet you to, I'm Martin."

"Places!" A male voice rings out urgently, and Martin looks at me with a small smirk on his face.

"Right. Well... you know what to do." I nodded and stepped into the room, knowing that John and Sherlock had already filmed their part, now it was up to me.

"Martin? Ready! (Y/N)..." I nodded towards the people in the room. "Ready! Ready? 3! 2! 1! Action!"

The people in the room gave me the signal and I started to deliver my lines. "Oh! John, hi." I said as I opened the door, peaking my head questioningly out of the room. "How are you?"


"Sorry... not dressed."


"Have a lovely day, call me later." Ben said as he held the door open for me. This man was such a good actor it was unbelievable. The fact that someone like me should even have the privilege to kiss him is insane.

"I might call you... unless I meet someone prettier." I said with a bit of a smirk in my voice, and I saw his eyes flick to my lips.

I went in for the kiss, and he gladly kissed back, only this felt more real. This didn't feel like acting. I drew back but he kissed me again. I tried to get through my head that he was just acting, so I went with it.

When he stopped, I was so awestruck by the fireworks that I forgot to say my line. "(Y/N)..." he said in a sweet voice, urging me to say my line.

"Oh! Sorry!" I said, pulling back and turning 50 shades of red. "Can we just..." I giggled at my own nervousness, tucking my hair behind my ear as a nervous tick.

"It's alright, can we just take it from call me later?"

"Yeah, from the top." One of the people behind the camera said, motioning something with his hand to hurry up.

"Ok." I said, taking a deep breath as we got back in our position.

"3! 2! 1! Action!"

"Have a lovely day, call me later."

"I might call you, unless I meet someone prettier." Once again, his eyes were drawn to my lips, and without hesitation he leaned into the kiss.

I kissed back with a bit more enthusiasm than I intended. I almost laughed at Martin's reaction to the kiss, somehow I knew it was perfect for his character and himself. I pulled back, internally cringing because of my bad kissing.

"Solve me a crime, Sherlock Holmes." I said with an extra kiss on his cheekbone, sharp as a knife.

I walked out of the door and down the stairs until I heard the door close. I breathed out in relief knowing that the scene was over, and maybe I actually did good.

"And, cut!" I smiled as Ben opened the door, gesturing me back inside the set. "That's a wrap!"

"You're brilliant! Where did you learn to act like that?" Ben said, grabbing my shoulders and smiling. Acting gave him a certain rush of adrenaline that drove me crazy, and I'd only known him for a few hours.

"Georgetown University, and you're a lot better than me."

"I've been at it a lot longer." He said, releasing my shoulders and looking around. "Martin, Amanda and I were thinking about going to dinner around the block. Would you like to come?"

I smirked, holding in the urge to start squealing like a schoolgirl. "I'm such a small member of the show... why me?" I asked shyly, not objecting but actually wanting to know why me? Why me? Why should someone like me hang out with people like this?

"There are no small parts, and because you're special. You're smart, funny... and I only met you 4 hours ago!" He said, smiling. "So... will you?"

"I don't see why not." I said, blushing and smiling like a complete idiot.

"Brilliant! 7 at Brodard?"

"Sounds great, see you then!"

"See you then." He said, looking at me in a way that was unfamiliar. He took one last look at me before walking off to get his makeup removed.

Was Benedict Cumberbatch asking me on a date?

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