Chapter 21

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Cadi's POV

It had been 1 week. We were changing camps again. I was told just for good luck not to get shot again. I wasn't even taking the proper time to heal. I couldn't. I just didn't have the time.

I lean on Vi in the truck, and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. He had been seriously over protective forever now. It had been just about  4 months since the first time, the coma, and everything. It was beginning to be kinda weird how often he was right there when I needed it. I was happy, but it was still weird seeing he was there too, and he was always the one that could help.

I fell asleep, and everything seemed different.

"Cadi, babe. What are you doing..?"

I look down at my hands, and see blood dripping from my wrist. Wait, babe?

I look up and see Vi. He has a worried look on his face. I try to hide them, not wanting to show him. Why the hell was I hiding? Why was he calling me babe?

"Why did you do that?!" he growls.

I look into his eyes, noticing how stern his expression is. Shit, why was I doing that? I couldn't even answer that for myself.

I looked around, realising the queen size bed, with 4 pillows, 2 bedside tables made of properly stained wood, and then the carpeted floors. I noticed a few clothes scattered around, a guys, and then there was the stuff I would wear.

Vi is right in front of me, and yanks on my arm, pulling it so he could see. I look up at him in shock. How did he get there so fast?

"Cadi, answer the question. Why did you do that?"

"I-I don't know..." I answer truthfully.

He goes into the bathroom, dragging me behind him. I was numb. I don't cut. I used to, but I would NEVER go back to that. It wasn't efficient at all.

He goes into one of the drawers, pulling out an anti-septic wipe, and wipes it clean. Then his phone rings. He pulls it out, and answers it. 

I hear snips of the conversation, and then Vi says "we need to go back to camp" and the whole scene changes.

We are in a battle field, being shot at. I see a bullet go past me, and then it hits something. I turn to see Vi. A hole in his head .

I scream, and I wake up.

Vi looks at me with a worried look. I knew what he was gonna say, so I just shook my head, and he caught the hint. I was so happy he was my partner that time.

He gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze, and I sit up.

He kisses the top of my head. I don't know why, but it kinda made sense, but when he tried placing his hand on my thigh I took it and twisted. "No."

Survive: Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें