Chapter 11

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Vi's POV

I instantly stop. FUCK! I pick her up, and jog her to one of the medical tents.

"HELP HER!" I scream, terrified. She was shot, and she didn't stop, and she just kept going, losing blood. I watch as she grows paler and paler, until finally one of the nurses guides me to a bed, and I lay her down.

I am taken out of the tent, terrified. I was screaming, not wanting to leave her. They finally knocked me out, and dragged me to the tent we stayed in. When I had woken up, I was told to head to the medical tent, and see her.

I slowly got up, and started walking. I needed to know she was okay. I entered the tent, and see her shirt and jacket off, bandages all over her top half. I knelt down beside her bed, and felt her pulse.

It was weak, but it was there. I was relieved. The nurse came in, and gave me a sad look.

"She's in a coma. We don't know if she will come out alive..."

I look up at her in shock. Cadi, you have to make it back...

Cadi's POV

I could hear voices. It sounded like Vi and someone else, but I couldn't be sure. The other voice was a female voice. I try to open my eyes, but I cant. It was as if they were forced shut.

I hear footsteps, and then a  tent flap.

Then I feel someones hand. Its warm, and comforting almost.

"Come on Cadi. We need you here, in the camp. You are the best we got. You are the best soldier, and we need you here, because you can kill anyone. Its merciless. Cadi, the whole camp needs you. Please.. Come back..."

His voice sounded pained. I wanted to cry. It hurt to listen to. He sounded so pained, and helpless. I tried moving my fingers, just to give him a sign, any type of sign that I was there. That I could hear him.

I felt wet droplets fall onto my hand. Tears. He was crying.

"Please Cadi.. Cadi Lakes, the camp needs you back, I need you back. It hurts to think that you may be gone in a matter of days. Please Cadi.. Please...."

The his warm touch left mine. I felt helpless. I wanted to spring up and hug him, telling him everything was fine, but I couldn't. It wasn't till I heard the tent flap open that I noticed the sharp pain in my stomach. Fuck, I got shot didn't I...

HEY GUYS! Sorry for the late updates, I have been trying. Lots to do today, anyways, if you think it deserves it, RATE, LIKE, COMMENT! Thanks guys!

Survive: Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang