Don't Wake Me Up (The Hush Sound feat. Patrick Stump)

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Author's note before beginning: Yes, this is a Harry Styles fan fiction. No Harry does not appear in the first chapter. It's entirely to set up the original characters in the plot of this book. I promise you it's worth the wait. Please stick with it through the second or third chapter before you make a judgement. It's been a labor of love for me to write all of this. Thank you for giving it a chance. :)


The door of my bedroom slammed against the wall as it swung open, startling me awake. I had nearly jumped out of my skin and could feel my heartbeat racing.

"GET YOUR ASS UP!" Kammi yelled. My roommate had no boundaries, especially before dawn. Note to self, put a lock on the door and remember to use it.

"Go. Away," I groaned as I pulled my pillow over my head.

"Nope. No sleeping. We need to get to the gym to start our day. You know you will be happy we burned off the excess energy and nerves before this journalist from LA Mag gets to the office."

"Why didn't you wake Ty up first?" My voice was muffled from beneath the pillow.

"Because he didn't tell me last night that he was excited to try boxing with me this morning." She sounded like a cracked out Disney Princess, you'd think she was singing and surrounded by rainbows and unicorns.

"I didn't either."

"You did through non-verbals," she said. I felt the bed sink next to me and the covers shift towards the other side of my bed.

"Because I punched you when you were mocking me?"

"Yes. It was your way of telling me that you wanted to join me for boxing at 6:30."

"No, it was my way of telling you that you were a bitch for saying I was cranky and needed to get laid, while we were in a meeting."

"Whatever. Now get up." I pulled the pillow off of my head and turned to look at her.

"You know there are days that I wish I didn't know you. Do you think I can stick my Dad in a DeLorean and he can go back to the T-Ball Brawl of Lakeview Little League and force him to hit your Dad instead of helping him up off the ground and hitting the other kid?"

"Nope. You're stuck with me." She had the goofiest smile on her face. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Get out of my room so I can get dressed. And since you are so fucking cheerful this morning why don't you get my shake ready for the drive in to work." She stuck her tongue out at me and left my bedroom. I pulled the covers over my head when my phone buzzed on my nightstand. It was likely her, texting me from the kitchen and telling me to get out of bed.

Message from Pops
You ready for today?
As ready as I will ever be to have a journalist follow me and Kammi around for a day.
You'll both do great.
Just a little nervous about it. I don't want to say too much but I also don't want to appear like I'm a cold bitch who only focuses on her career.
You aren't a cold bitch. The career thing...well you're definitely mine.
I'll choose to take that as a compliment.
Well, how about we do lunch today, you can bring the journalist along with you.
You sure about that?
If you have to be under the microscope I'll join you there.
Thanks Pops. I'll see you in the office in a little bit.

I finally drug myself out of bed and went through my normal motions. Pee. Brush teeth. Comb hair. Put hair in ponytail. Put on gym clothes. Get shoes. Leave bedroom. I was like a robot in the morning. Kammi was a morning person and I hated her for it. If it wasn't for work I'd stay in bed until noon and just work late in to the evening. Okay, let's face it. Sometimes I did sleep in and work until the middle of the night. The perk of being in charge, or almost in charge as my Dad likes to remind me. I grabbed my sunglasses off of my dresser and put them on. I found Kammi in the kitchen. She was dancing around like a lunatic as she made smoothies.

In The Heat Of Los Angeles [H.S.]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن