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As I walked up the stairs with my classmates to get to the top of our school building I started to feel faint and I started to tremble with fear as my nightmare was being played out right in front of me. It was the nightmare I had that same day the nightmare which I was too scared to write or talk about. I was curious but terrified to see if the day and the rest of my life would continue to be just like my dream.  Walking up the stairs I started to sob uncontrollably as I could see out of a small window the wave getting closer. As the class and I reached the roof of the high cement school building I saw almost everyone from our small town crowed on top of building. Our school was connected to an office area where almost every single man and woman in the town worked. Our school was very large as almost every single child in this town went there. It felt like everyone in the town worked in this one building.  I saw my parents and sister and I rushed over to them without thinking twice. They were staring at the wave and sobbing quietly. I hugged my mum and asked her if we would be ok. She pushed me away and ignored my question. My parents and sister have never really been very caring or affectionate towards me. They would never say good night to me nor listen to how I felt. Sometimes my mum would slap me across the face if I tried to hug her. My dad just drinks and smokes all the time and disappears to random places. My parents love my sister and they always praise her with things like she is so beautiful and smart. I am nor beautiful or smart but I have an amazing imagination. They don't really love me because I wasn't actually supposed to be born. I was put up for adoption when I was born but no one took me. My parents kept trying to put me up for adoption but then gave up when I was 10. I stared up into the sky and saw 3 helicopters circling around us. Maybe there was hope. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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