Chapter 22 - Compromise

Start from the beginning

I felt Rhett's whole body tense against mine in response to my words, "That son of a bitch..."

"But...but it's truly better for her there. I know my father wasn't caring for her properly at home, and I miss her terribly," I rambled as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"I...I told her things were complicated, but I also told her I'd come visit for a few days," I admitted.

I felt a growl deep within Rhett's chest. He didn't want me going back with Wyatt, especially since he felt I was being manipulated.

"I don't want you to go," he murmured against my cheek.

"I know, but I have to for a little while. It's my sister," I explained.

Rhett nodded, being the understanding man he was, "You promised us both an equal chance, so I guess it's his turn again."

I nodded in return and smiled at him before kissing him softly on his lips, "A fair chance..."

"I just want you to know ahead of time, I'm going to call for more warriors. I know my brother, and I have a bad feeling that he may try to attack us once you're back in his territory," Rhett told me.

I nodded, completely understanding his reasoning. They needed to be able to protect themselves if Wyatt were to strike back. I hoped that he wouldn't, but he was an Alpha. There was no telling.

"I love you Rhett," I murmured against his lips.

"I know you do babe, but you love him too."

I smiled up at this handsome man. He was so understanding.

"If you decide to be with me, we will figure out everything with your sister. I promise," he said.

Rhett pressed his lips eagerly against mine, sliding his tongue into my mouth to make sure I remembered him. Although I only planned to be away for a few days, you never knew what might happen with Wyatt. I hoped he would be more understanding, but he could always try and lock me up like the last time I was in Blue Mountain. We had to be prepared for that possibility.

"If you're gone for more than four days without telling me yourself that you're choosing to stay, we'll come for you," Rhett told me as he held my face anxiously.

"Okay," I said as I smiled sadly to him. Even if I wasn't completely sure about everything yet, Rhett had been so good to me that it was hard to leave.

I quickly pulled away from Rhett after granting him one last kiss. I was afraid if I stayed with him any longer that I might change my mind.

I made my walk back towards Wyatt without stopping to look back. I knew if I looked back, the emotions would hit me even harder. Warm tears streamed down my face as I trekked through the forest, allowing my wolf senses to guide me back to the proper place.

Being consumed by my thoughts made the time go by much faster. Soon enough, I found myself standing in the exact same area and Wyatt and Hailey appearing from behind the trees.

Wyatt gently wiped the tears from my cheeks, "Let's go home love," he said softly.

Hailey smiled widely as she quickly approached me and grabbed my hand, holding it firmly in her smaller one.

I don't know how long it took us to get back to Blue Mountain. I was numb as I walked the way hand in hand with my sister and my mate. Although they seemed happy, I found the atmosphere to be quite somber. Soon enough, I saw the massive pack house appear between the trees.

The pack territory was beautiful as always. I took special notice to the garden in the back that seemed to be flourishing. Wyatt led us around to the grand door at the front of the pack house and walked us inside. I was instantly greeted with 'welcomes' and 'welcome back Luna' from the pack members, as if they didn't know I'd escaped on my own accord.

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