Chapter 14 - Rogue's Fate

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After the formal part of the ceremony ended, it was time for the pack run. Everyone able to participate gathered outside of the pack house. The males separated into one group and the females into another. Wyatt and I would lead both groups, the females following behind me and the males behind him. Olivia was directly behind me, since she was the Beta female, and Michael was directly behind Wyatt.

All of us shifted into our wolf forms, our nudity not being an issue in that moment. At the back of my mind, I worried about seeing Rhett in the crowd earlier. Was he among the pack for the run? My wolf forced these thoughts out of our head as we shifted. She was in control now, and she was determined to have a good run with her pack.

Wyatt and I looked at each other in our wolf forms. We stared for quite some time before Wyatt started howling. I took this as my cue and began to howl with him. One by one, rank by rank, our pack howled with us. We were complete.

After the last wolf began their howl, we sprinted towards the woods. This was my first time in the woods since mine and Olivia's run a couple months back. The feeling of the damp soil and crushed leaves beneath my paws was exquisite – there was no other word for it.

I began to howl as I ran with my she-wolves. Wyatt chuckled at me through our mind-link. He knew how much I loved to run, and he loved to see me happy.

After running about half a mile, Wyatt brought the pack to a halt. He sat in the middle of a clearing and lifted his head to the sky, emitting a deep howl from his wolf's throat. I immediately joined him in this ceremonious howl. It signified our unity as a pack. A pack that was now complete with both its Alpha and Luna.

Wyatt nuzzled me lovingly as we sat in the clearing, facing our pack. They all sat in front of us, like an audience of wolves, watching their Alpha and Luna embrace each other. I nuzzled him back and licked some dirt off his cheek. He shook his head, shaking out his fur, before standing up and taking a few steps towards the pack. Wyatt then yipped at them, and we all began to run back towards the pack house.

The run back seemed much shorter than the run to the meadow. I savored this time, fully appreciating the wind in my fur and the dirt beneath my paws. As we approached the pack house, Wyatt stopped to nuzzle me once more. This time, he was the one to lick my snout, causing me to sneeze and shake my head. This was the first time our wolves had really spent time together.

As we approached the front door of the pack house everyone shifted back to their human forms. Some had left a change of clothes nearby, but most had embraced their nudity. I had left my dress behind, since it was a traditional dress for all Lunas of the past and future. I carefully slipped my dress back on, and Wyatt took my hand. We made our way back upstairs to his quarters.

Wyatt quickly led me upstairs. I noticed many females eyeballing him, but they tried to hide it since I was now their Luna. They wouldn't try anything now...hopefully.

As we reached the bedroom of the Alpha's quarters, Wyatt threw me towards the bed in a fit of passion before making his way to me. He pressed his hips against mine as he leaned against me, causing me to slide onto the bed.

"My Luna," he murmured in my ear as he held my face with one hand. I felt his other hand slide around my waist to my backside. He grasped the zipper of my dress and slowly slid it down. My dress suddenly felt loose around my body. I gasped; I wasn't expecting this tonight.

Caught up in the moment, I reached for the buttons of Wyatt's shirt. This mate bond had me in too far now. I hastily unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders, pressing my breasts against his now bare chest as he pushed my dress straps off my arms so that the dress collapsed in pile around my feet. I shivered from the chill in the air against my warm skin. The shivers only intensified as Wyatt began to attack my neck with kisses, causing the sparks of our mate bond to dance along my sensitive skin.

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