Chapter Twenty

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Draco yawned and slowly opened his eyes. His hand was entwined in Hermione's. He thought she must've been really uncomfortable, sleeping on the hard oak that supported the mattress.

Draco sighed and watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Her hair was sprawled out and her hand was warm in his.

"Mm..." moaned Hermione, she opened her eyes and looked around.

Alarm set in her face as her eyes gazed over the cabin. Finally her eyes found Draco's and she smiled, sitting up.

"Ow!" she yelled and a hand flew to her neck.

"You shouldn't have slept there!" Draco said, he sat up and felt the blood rush to his head causing him to fall onto the bed again.

"Don't get up!" said Hermione.

She got up in her knees and felt Draco's forehead, aware of his eyes following her. She also felt his cheek and his neck, just to make sure.

"You're getting better," muttered Hermione, she could hear the relief in her words.

"Thank you," said Draco.

"I didn't... I should be the one saying thanks. You saved me," Hermione whispered and leaned down, "Thank you so much."

"I promised you, didn't I?" asked Draco, taking her hand in his, "I don't break my promises."

Hermione nodded and watched his eyes. They seemed lighter and softer. A more reassuring grey than ever.

"I'm leaving soon," said Draco, looking down at their hands, "I want you to stay here with James and-"

"Draco, you're still weak," Hermione said.

"I need to leave. I got you out. My job is done now James will keep you safe," Draco sighed.

"James... He... Draco, you can't leave," Hermione felt the tears prick the back of her eyes.

She wished she could just tell him how she really felt about him. How worried she was when he didn't get up, when he was shivering uncontrollably. She really liked him. Even after everything they had been through, after being kept hostage. She still had feelings deep down inside her. Feelings she couldn't express because they couldn't and wouldn't be together. She would have to keep her feelings hidden.

"Did James say anything to you? Or do anything to you? Why won't you stay with him?" asked Draco, frowning at her reaction.

"James... He didn't do anything or say anything. I just..." Hermione looked down, figuring how to make him stay, "I... need you to stay with me. I feel safe with you, Draco."

"Listen," Draco's hands came to her face, making her look at him, "I promise you no one will harm you anymore. James will take care of you when I leave."

"You're not leaving. If you are, I'm coming with you. Sure, I'll be safe but what about you?" Hermione couldn't help the tear that escaped her eye.

Draco opened his mouth to say smetjing but changed his mind, closing his mouth. He sighed and sat up slowly, clutching his head. Hermione helped him and say beside him.

"You're worried about me? Hermione, I'll be fine. If something happens to me-"

"I'll be there to help you, if something happens. James will be there. You stand up for me and I - I mean, us. Myself and James - stand up for you. We take care of each other," Hermione said.

"No," Draco shook his head and stood up, "We'll talk about this later."

"There's nothing to talk about. You're not leaving without me," Hermione said, watching as he made his way to the bathroom..

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