Chapter Eighteen

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"Right now?" asked James.

"Yes. Right now!" Draco said impatiently, what was so hard to understand?!

He shoved some clothes into the bag for James and some jeans and shirts for Hermione. He shoved money that he had been saving into a wallet and into the bag.


"Listen to me!" said Draco, glaring at him, "You said you would keep her safe. It's too late to back out now. You're in. We're leaving. That's that."

"How the hell are we going to get her out?!" James said, he wasn't one for plans. That was Draco's job.

"I have no idea. Just pack essentials, alright?" he chucked the bag over and James packed his books in, "Why books?"

"She likes to read, right?" he asked.

Draco thought back to Hogwarts. Always seeing Hermione in the library. It's like it was her second home. He would go there to read and do homework too. Her hair would fall into her eyes and she would brush it away with impatience.

"Yeah, she loves to read," muttered Draco.

"Where's her wand?" asked James.

Draco sighed. How was he going to find her wand?! He glared at James before walking out of the room casually, not wanting to give himself away. He stopped for a moment and then decided to ask Coal in the most casual way he could.

He knocked on their door and waited outside, his stomach churning. He had only ate an apple and had puked that out. He walked into the room as they said 'enter'.

"Hey," he said, watching them play cards, "Um... do you know where Herm- the... mudblood's wand is?"

"Sure do, Malfoy, why?" asked Amadeus suspiciously.

"Uncle Robert wants to see it," said Draco, the lie rolling out of his mouth.

"Well, I'll come right down and give it to him," Coal got up and went to his drawer, taking Hermione's wand out.

"No... Erm, I'll give it to him," said Draco, snatching the wand, "thanks!"

He closed their door behind him and ran back into his room. James had packed the essentials and was waiting for him.

"Cool, you got her wand," James grinned, "what now, boss?"

"Now we get out of here," smiled Draco, as though it was the easiest thing to do.

James put the bag on his back and Draco sighed. What were they going to do now?

"Might as well wing it," muttered Draco, "Come on, follow me."

"She better not get hurt if you're planning on winging it," growled James, stopping Draco from opening the door.

"If anyone tries to hurt her, I'll take the blow. Trust me," said Draco.

He shoved James' hand away and let out a deep breath before opening the door. No one was in the corridor. They carefully made their way down the stairs and Draco could hear James' brain ticking away with doubt.

Draco checked the living room. Narcissa, Lucius, Robert and Liz were in there drinking tea and conversing. Narcissa stared at the floor and Draco knew she hadn't told. Not yet anyway.

Draco getsured to James to keep low and follow him. James nodded and Draco lead the way to the kitchen, hoping it was empty... it was.

"Grab some food. I'll get her," ordered Draco.

He was about to go downstairs but James caught his arm and growled, "how about I get her and you grab the food?"

"Let me go and do as your told," Draco once again shoved his arm away and went downstairs.

Hidden Feelings - DramioneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu