Chapter Eight

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"I say... we go to the cinema and-" Hermione smiled as she ticked off where she wanted to go for their first date.

"You know what? I'll pick!" Draco rolled his eyes, "The cinema? Seriously?"

"Draco, shut up!" laughed Hermione, "It'll be fun!"

"Only if we see a horror film. No romance and no comedy." challenged Draco.

"Draco, Draco, Draco," chanted Hermione, sighing she moved closer to him and took his hand, "You want me to scream just so I can grab you and thank you for being their for me?"

"Hmm... No! That'd be way too cliché!" Draco grinned, tapping her nose softly, "I just want to see you get scared..."

"I won't get scared."

"Let's go see a scary film, you should be fine."

Hermione stared at Draco, she didn't want to admit that she would probably cling onto his arm when the murders and the climax at the end happened. Hermione just wasn't made for scary movies.

"Well?" asked Draco, grinning like he knew what she was thinking.

"Fine. Scary movie it is!" Hermione agreed.

Two could play at that game!

Draco half smiled, half frowned.

"I'll pick you up at 8..." he said, slinging his jacket onto one shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked standing up.

"I need to do something but I will be back so don't worry okay?" Draco stroked her hair and kissed her swiftly on the lips.

"Okay." Hermione said, "Thought you made the 'no kissing' rule?"

Draco shrugged and his lips lifted up into a smile, "No rules, only... um... Guidelines?"

Draco left after a chuckle and Hermione's hand went up to touch her tingling lips. Draco really made her feel like the only girl in the world. He was everything she most desperately needed.


Hermione walked out of the bathroom. The steam from the shower radiated out of the open bathroom door and Hermione's hair hung loose and wet over her shoulders.

She glanced at the clothes on the bed and walked over to them. Pulling them on she checked herself out in the mirror. She had decided on a long, up to her knees dress, which was a nice peach colour and her ankle length boots.

Pleased with her appearance, she quickly perfected her make up and dried her hair, straightening it so it hung over her shoulders perfectly.

"Done." she said out loud, patting down her dress.

"You look good..."

The voice made Hermione's turn around, startling her. She grinned as she saw Draco, leaned againt the door, holding flowers. He was dressed in a black shirt and jeans. Simple but he looked good.

"Here these are for you," smiled Draco, handing her the flowers, "I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything else to wear so I just..."

He gestured to his clothes but Hermione told him he looked good. She set the flowers down, thanking him for it and took his hand.

"Shall we, Madam?" Draco said in a weird French accent.

"We shall." Hermione giggled and they went downstairs.

Draco led Hermione to the car and locked the door of the house. He sat in the car and started it, reversing out of her driveway.

"Thought we'd do it the muggle way." Draco said, zooming forwards.

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