Chapter Ten

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Hermione stirred slightly, moaning as she felt a pain shoot through her head.


Water fell on her face, waking her up.


She sat up and looked around, not recognising where she was and why her head felt like it was about to explode.

The water dripped on as she tried to remember. She was running... someone held onto her hand... Draco. She was running with Draco away from death eaters.

She could remember clearly. They had shot a spell at her and she could feel the pain, coursing through her body, making her drop into an unconcious slumber.

Someone must've hit her over the head as they bought her to wherever she was. She looked around, trying to recognise the place.

Some lights were lit but it was still dark. The kind of darkness that makes her want to sit in the corner so she can look at all the places at once. The kind of dark that makes Hermione feel threatened. The water had made a puddle by now on the cold stone floor. A mattress was shoved messily against the wall, with blood sprinkled on it. A small wooden table was next to the mattress.

It was horrible and made her want to be sick.

She searched her boots for her wand, since she had stowed it in her boots as she didn't have a pocket. The wand wasn't there, although she didn't expect it to be.

"Ah," a voice said, "Mudblood's awake. Took your time aswell."

The lock clinked open loudly and a man walked in. He had scruffy black hair and was wearing a long wizards robe. He wore a smirk on his face.

He gazed over Hermione before looking at the puddle of water beside her that had dripped from the ceiling.

"Should've fixed that." he muttered and pointed his wand to the ceiling then to the floor.

He didn't bother saying a spell to fix it. He just looked at Hermione who had gritted her teeth and was staring at his straight in the eye.

"Don't you look gorgeous when you're angry?" the man said, chuckling darkly, defining the scar next to his mouth, "the names Amadeus."

He extended a hand and Hermione rolled her eyes. Was he really as stupid as he looked? Did he really think she was going to shake his dirty hand? Amadeus chuckled and took his hand back.

"It's a good thing you didn't shake my hand. I would've needed to cut it off. You see, mudblood germs are something a simple wash wont get rid of." Amadeus snarled.

Hermione could feel the tears pricking her eyes but she fought them off. She will not cry in front of a death eater.

"Your little boyfriend, Draco, set you up. He didn't love you. The boys a good liar, you know?" Amadeus leaned forward, closer to her, "You must really be stupid to fall for a death eater."

Hermione growled at him even though he was right. She did fall for Draco. He was a liar. She must be so stupid! Why didn't she just avoid him? Or turn him in? How could she be so careless.

"Why did you kidnap me?" asked Hermione, speaking for the first time.

"Why do you think?" Amadeus muttered, "How will it look when everyone finds out we kidnapped one of the trio? It'll give us power beyond anything we've imagined. Everyone will be doing everything to get you back. One by one we'll take them down."

"You won't win this." Hermione scowled at him.

"No one will find you. We will win." Amadeus scowled back.

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