Chapter Three

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Hermione stared at the food in front of her. She hadn't ate in... who knows how long but she didn't want to eat. She had lost her appetite. She looked up to see George, doing the same as her: not eating and just staring at his food.

Harry, Ginny, George, Percy and Mr and Mrs Weasley sat at the table with Hermione. Mr Weasley made conversation with his wife but, other than that, no one talked and the silence dragged on like a boring History of Magic lesson.

"Ginny, can I talk to you?" Harry, who sat beside Hermione, gestured to the door, looking at Ginny, "Outside?"

"Sure," Ginny said, hoarsely because of all the crying she had done.

Hermione took no notice. She didn't care. She just pushed her vegetables around the plate, glancing at George every so often.


Harry's POV

"Where are we going?" asked Ginny, her voice sounded as though she had been gargling nails.

Harry didn't know if he could so this. She had lost so much and he was about to break her heart? But if he didn't do this then he would break Hermione's heart. Everywhere they went, people were standing around. Harry wanted a quiet place and Ginny realised as she spoke.

"Here. Follow me." Ginny said.

She took his hand and led him up the stairs, down some corridors, till she reached an empty room. She pulled him in and shut the door. Turning around, she waited. Harry stared at her, mentally preparing himself. They waited in silence but Ginny didn't push Harry to speak, she just gazed out of the broken window. Harry sighed.

"Ginny... I can't be with you." He blurted out as quick as he could.

"Harry-" she said, holding up her hands to stop him but he didn't stop.

"I know you've been through way too much and I'm so sorry for eveything I did to you. I left you and I hurt you and now... I'm doing it all over again. This will be the last time I ever hurt you. I will always love you. You have your family but Hermione doesn't have anyone. She needs me."

Ginny's eyes widened, tears pricked on them and she blinked fast trying not to cry as Harry looked down, unable to look at her.

"I have to take care of Hermione and to be honest I really like her." Harry explained as best as he could, "I'm so sorry."

Harry peeked up to look at her staring at the floor. She looked like she was thinking. Harry waited, staring at her. He wanted to give her some time and space and not to annoy her or pressurise her. He walked forward when he noticed a tear fall out of her eyes. Placing a hand on her chin, she made him look at up at him.

"I know you-"

Ginny gritted her teeth and slapped him as hard as she could. Harry closed his eyes, his cheek stinging. He opened his eyes and looked at her, silently. Ginny burst into tears and ran out of the room, banging it shut behind her. Harry stood at the same spot for a long time. Finally, he sighed and left the room. Going downstairs and into the Great Hall he saw that it was empty. He made his way to the Gryffindor common room.


Hermione's POV

Hermione ran her hands over the books. The one and only thing that would never change. They would remain the same every day, just lying here for everyone to read. Very much like and unlike her life.

She was an open book. Everyone knew what she was doing, if she was hurting. Although, she was not like a book because a book doesn't change but her life had changed so much in the past few days. She looked around at the deserted library. She was alone in more than one way.

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