"You're drenched!" He follows me

"It's fine. Just a little rain." I sigh

"Little?" He questioned "it was raining like hell out there!"

I continue to walk up the stairs "If hell has rain then why is there still fire?"

I look back at him to see that he was stuck in a confused state. I laughed as we made our way into the hallways.

"Th-That doesn't matter. Lia! You can get sick, not to mention you were drinking! I mean, any guy could've snatched you up without anyone there to witness because its raining outside!"

I stop in my tracks to turn and face him "Please keep your voice down."

"Please be more cautious about your actions!" He whisper yelled

"You're right." I agreed "i'm sorry for leaving without saying anything, im sorry for drinking, and I am sorry for coming home so late."

His frustrated features had now softened and his muscles relaxed. I felt really bad now. I knew it was wrong for me to leave that hospital without saying anything to anyone. I felt even more bad for leaving Kian behind and confused.


"It's fine kiddo" he pulls me into a hug

I nod and hugged back, but I still felt that what I did was wrong.

"Just warn somewhat next time before you take off. Don't forget that you're not the only one who's hurt about all this too. Your mom took this pretty hard and hasn't came out the room since we got here. She hasn't talked to me since you had stormed off and I had held her back." He explained

I looked up and then behind me at my parents room door that was closed shut. I look back up at dad in worry and quickly begin to panic.

"Im sorry, i-I didn't mean to cause so much troub-"

"It's fine." He assured me "I understand how you feel. You running off wasn't wrong, it's something that even I would have done. You needed your time alone, everything had happened too fast for you, we all understood. Im sure of it."

I nodded and stared blankly at the floor. Mom must be in so much pain right now. She hasn't been able to visit grandpa as much because of work and how far the trip from our house to the hospital was. So I wasn't just going for myself, I went there for her as well.

Not even she got to say good bye. It aches my heart so much.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow. I promise" I tell him

He smiled down at me before placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sure that'd mean a lot to her." He says before pulling away

"Goodnight." He tells me


I turned my back to walk towards my room door and into my room before shutting it back.

The TV was playing softly and Kian's phone had lit up on the night stand next to my bed. He was sleeping, the bed sheet only covering his lower body, revealing his bare skin while his arms were tucked under the pillow that his head rested on.

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