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I'm sorry for this emotional chapter omfg. 😭💗 the next one is just gonna be.. UGHHH!! 😭😭😭 here you go.

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I groan and reached my hand up to my neck, rubbing it gently to try and ease the pain. My eyes were shut but I could still tell that I was surrounded by darkness.

Though, I remember falling asleep in grandpa's room at the hospital. I thought I remembered the light being on?

My eyelids shot open and I immediately was engulfed by an empty dark room. I squint my eyes after they adjusted to my surroundings.

I looked down and seen that I was still sitting in my original spot of the uncomfortable chair.

"Ugh, my neck hurts" I rubbed the back of my neck and decided on getting up to stretch

I stood up from the chair and let out a small laugh at the tingle that shot up my leg from it being asleep. I shut my eyes and moan from the satisfaction of my now sore limbs feeling relaxed after stretching.

"I honestly don't know how you were an athletic swimmer back then, grandpa. I feel like I just been hit by a tru-" I pause after re-opening my eyes and looking at the empty bed that was now neatly made

"ck?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at the bathroom to see it was empty as well

My heart dropped

"Grandpa?" I call out and began to panic

I quickly walked towards the door and swung it open. I watched as a few nurses looked at me weirdly before continuing on with their conversations.

I looked down the hall, to my right was the exit to the waiting room, and to my left was more pathways to different rooms and doors.

I step out of the room, shutting the door behind me before making my way down (town) the left. Just as I was about to push open the two double doors, a lot of doctors came rushing in with a patient who seemed to be unconscious.

I watched as the scramble their way down the hall before continuing to where I was going.

"Hey!" I call out to the nurse that was assigned to my grandpa

"Hey! Excuse me! Nurse!" I waved like she would even seen me even though her back was faced towards me

She stopped and turned around with a confused look on her face as her eyes wonder. I smiled and waved, catching her attention this time before walking over to her.

"Yes, dear?" She smiles in return

"Uh, do you know where the patient in room 213 is?" I asked

She frowns "Um, i'm afraid not."

This causes me to frown as well. "Do you know by any chance if they moved a patient from that room?"

She looks down at her clipboard and searches through papers, "What room did you say it was?"

"213" I say, a bit too anxious

"213..213.. oh! Yep" she looks up "Your grandpa, right?

"Mhm" I nod eagerly

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