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107k - 110k four days ago 💗
111k - 116k three days ago 🦋
117k - 119k two days ago 😊
120k - 122k Yesterday. 😍😍
123k Today 😘❤️ CAN U GUYS BELIEVE WE'RE AT 122k?! RIGHT AFTER JUST HITTING 100k ITSELF WTFFFFF ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😩 AND ITS OUR 100th CHAPTERR WTFFFFF 😩😩😩😩😩😭👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Spring break . 😍
I had posted on 'conversations' the reason why I haven't been and won't be updating as much this week.


I was getting ready to send the first blow, but I was stopped by arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me back. Tears were running down my cheeks like there was no tomorrow. I felt so empty, yet, hurt inside.

"Cecilia? Cecilia?" A voice sounded

I couldn't think straight as the person sat me down in front of them. All I could do was stare at the nurse behind that person, who was now being surrounded by a crowd full of questions and concern.

I thought back to everything that had just happened, causing me to cry harder because I felt so bad for causing so much trouble.

"Cecilia, baby, look at me." I felt the person cup my face with their hands

That voice. It sounds so familiar, but who does it belong to? I swear it's at the tip of my tongue, I just can't think straight with all that's going on right now.

Come on, Cecilia! Think think think.

I finally snap my gaze from the nurse and looked up at the person in front of me. My breath hitched in my throat when I seen who it was.

"K-Kian?" I stutter

I watched as his once saddened face had now relaxed before he pulled me into a tight, long lasting hug.

I swear, if this is just another dream, I'm gonna hide in dark corners for the rest of my life.

"Are you really here?" I asked out of my own stupidity

"I should've came here sooner" he mumbles against my shoulder

I couldn't exactly reply to what he had just said because I was too busy taking in his presence and choking on my sobs at the same time.

I shut my eyes as tears roll down my cheeks, I had then hid my face in the crook of his neck out of embarrassment from my previous actions.

Just by me pulling him closer, it showed him how much I felt about him being here.

God only knows what everyone, including my parents, were doing. All I remember is
standing here, in the middle of the hallway, wrapped safely in Kian's arm.

We stood, hugging each other, for what seemed like forever. Soon, it felt like all of my exhaustion had collapsed on me. I begin to slowly drift off, feeling one of Kian's hands slowly move under my lower back as his other went beneath the back of my legs.

I was now being carried bridal style, both my arms still being wrapped around his neck as I opened my eyes once more. My eyelids felt droopy, but I could still take in his beautiful features.

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