제10장 (CH.10)

980 66 24

" Appa.. Appa don't leave me! Appa! Wake up! Appa please! Jiyoon loves you! "
Jiyoon screams

" Jiyoon! Baby you are dreaming. Wake up wake up "
Jimin rushly to Jiyoon's room. He is running quickly as he hear Jiyoon screaming. He is from Jiyoong's room, feeding him.

" Appaaaa!! "
Jiyoon is crying.

" Shush... Baby it just a dream.. Shh "
Jimin hugs Jiyoon.

" Appa.. "

" J-jiyoon? Why are you sweating too much? Jiyoon? "

Jiyoon close her eyes and,


" Doctor! Save her! "
Jimin yells.

Jiyoon is rush to the hospital. The speed of the patient bed is faster than the wind. Push by nurses and a doctor running to the emergency room. Jiyoon just can't breathe. She hardly breathing.

Jimin run as the bed being pushed faster. Arrives at the door, Jimin is not allow to come in but, he is stubborn. He kick and punch the door.

" Jimin ah. Jimin! Keep calm! "
Hoseok trying to stop Jimin.

Jimin is too strong. He keep kicking and punching the emergency door.

" OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!! "

" Jimin!! Relax. She will be okay! Relax please. Jimin please! "
Hoseok pull Jimin and bring him to the near bench.

Jimin stand up and kicking the wall. The vase near the bench. Everything is just stress up.

" I don't take care of her! I'm a worst Appa ever! Gah! "
Jimin can't stop saying negative things about him.

" Jimin. Please, just sit.. "
With a so sudden actions. Minmin hold Jimin's hand.

Jimin look a Minmin face, scanning him. The feeling when Yoongi held his hand before, is the same like how Minmin hold his hand now. Comfortable, and soft.

" Is this a drama or smth? "
Jin confuse.

" Jimin, just relax. Don't say negative things about you okay? That's just make it more worst "
Minmin hold Jimin's hand tightly and brushs smoothly by his thumb.

" A-are you .. R-really- Are y-you sure your n-name is.. Uhm, Are you s-sure your name is M-minmin? "

A shocking question that come out from Jimin's mouth. Jimin stares at Minmin deeply. He feels everything.

" What? Why are you asking that? I'm Minmin and I do this just wanna make you relax "
Minmin immediately pull out his hand.

" I'm going first "
Minmin say to Hoseok and Jin.

The emergency door opens. A doctor come out.
Jimin run to the doctor and ask lot of questions.
The doctor sighs.

" Mr.Min, huh.. Jiyoon couldn't make it "

" J-Jiyoon!!! No!! "
Jimin crying hard.


" Jiyoon is okay now. You can meet her. She is just lack of oxygen cause her fever getting higher. I will give medicines and make sure she eat it on time "

" Thank you doc! "
Jimin nods and go to see Jiyoon.


Will Jimin mad if I tell the truth?

Ugh what have you done Min Yoongi.

Jiyoon.. Appa wanna see you. Appa loves you. Appa miss you. Get well soon princess .

You will be okay sweetie. Fighting!


3 My Baby, CHIM ¦ m.yg p.jm #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now