Chapter 20 Taking Her-Part 1 (Mystery Man's POV)

Start from the beginning

I look in her window. She's laying on her bed, reading a book. I try the window quietly. It's unlocked. I lift it up and climb inside quietly. Walking quietly to her bed I sit down. She looks over slowly. When she sees me she screams and jumps. 

"What are you doing here?!" She yells.

"I'm here to take you with me darling. I'm sorry I scared you, I didn't mean to. Just come with me willingly."

She shakes her head, getting up and running to the door. I get up, running after her. I catch up to her quickly, grabbing her arm and yanking her towards me. I pull the rag out of my pocket and hold it over her face.

"I'm sorry I had to do this darling, but you gave me no choice." A few minutes later she collapses in my arms. I pick her up gently and take her out to my car, putting her gently in the seat, tying her up like last time and putting a blanket over her. 

Then, I go back in, grabbing Charlotte's keys, and a few things I'm sure she'll want. Like her camera, the jewelry her mom and friend got her, a couple of cds, a couple of books, and stuff everything into a bag. I shut her window, locking it, I turn out the light and shut the door. 

I use her keys to lock the door and walk back to my car, putting everything in the back seat and then get in the driver's seat and we drive off.




Almost 14 hours later we arrive in Hugo, Colorado. I drive for a bit until I find a motel. I pay for a room for the night and carry Charlotte in first. I lay her on the bed, covering her up. Then, I go out and grab our things. I set the bags by the bed and lock the door.

I pull the blanket off Charlotte undoing her wrists. I leave her ankles tied, so she can't get up and hurt herself. I pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her. I love her so much. She relaxes into me and I smile. Whether she knows it or not she loves me back.

With that on my mind I fall asleep.




I wake up the next morning with Charlotte clinging to me in her sleep. I smile and kiss her head. I slowly get up, pulling her arms off of me. I take a quick shower and put on clean clothes. I walk out of the bathroom to find Charlotte awake and on the floor, trying to get to the door.

I sigh and walk over, picking her up. "Come on darling, don't make me chloroform you again, then I'd have to change you and I don't think you want that."

She stops struggling immediately and I set her on the bed, crouching in front of her I cut the binds off her feet. She couldn't take them off herself because the only way was to cut them. I look at her.

"Now listen, we have to leave in an hour if we want to make it where we're going by night time. So, you will go in the bathroom, take a quick shower, and get dressed. While you're doing that I will make us something to eat, which you will eat. And then we will  leave. Do you understand?" I say sternly.

She nods meekly. I hand her some clothes. "Good, now don't take to long. And do not lock that door or there will be consequences."

She runs into the bathroom and shuts the door, but I don't hear the door lock. Good. I pull bread, peanut butter, and jelly from the bag I brought. I also grab two cups ans a butter knife. I set everything on the table and go to the fridge, grabbing the milk. 

I make the sandwiches and pour the milk. Just after I finish putting everything away, Charlotte comes out of the bathroom. I smile at her.

"Good morning darling." I gesture to the food. "I made food, it's not much, I'm sorry, but I couldn't bring much without it spoiling."

She sits at the table, muttering a small thank you. I sit across from her and she nibbles on her sandwich. I take a bite of mine and sip my milk.

She continues just nibbling and I'm done with my sandwich before she finishes a third of hers.

"Darling, eat."I tell her sternly. She takes a big bite out of her sandwich and a gulp of her milk.

"Good. Now keep eating, I'm going to pack up and then we can leave." She nods and I start putting everything away. I make the bed and take the bags to the car. I put the milk in a small cooler in the backseat.

I walk back in to find Charlotte sitting at the table, her plate and cup empty. I throw them away.

"Come on darling, time to leave." She gets up and I lead her outside, helping her into the car. I then get into the driver's seat and we drive off once again.




11 and a half hours later we arrive in Dubois, Idaho. I look at Charlotte.

"We're going to have to stay here for the night and then we'll arrive at our house tomorrow." She doesn't reply and I find a hotel. I pay for the night and get Charlotte in, then I bring our stuff in, setting it by the bed.

Charlotte sits on the bed staring at the wall.

I turn to her. "Are you hungry? We could go out to eat something."

She shrugs. I sigh.

"Come on, we're going out." I grab her arm and lead her out to the car. I drove around and decide to stop at a Wendy's.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask as we go through the drive through.

She shrugs. "Is a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a frosty fine?" She shrugs again.

I order two bacon cheeseburgers, two things of fries, and two large frosty's. I pay and we get the food. We would have gone in, but after what she pulled at the mall I can't take any chances. 

I drive back to the hotel and we go in. I set the food on the table, moving some stuff to the floor. I sit and motion for Charlotte to sit. She sits and we both eat, she knows I'd make her so she saves herself the trouble.

When we're finished I throw away our trash. "Would you like to take a shower or go straight to bed?"

"I'd like to take a shower please." She says quietly.

"Okay, but remember, no locking the door and don't take to long." She nods and I hand her a set of clothes. She goes into the bathroom, not locking the door. I change into a pair of pajama bottoms and lay in the bed.

Tomorrow, we'll be home. And we won't have to worry about anyone finding us. A little later Charlotte comes out of the shower. I pat the bed next to me.

"Come lay down darling." She lays down as far from me as she can. I reach over and pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her. She tenses, but I don't let go.

Slowly, she falls asleep and soon after, I do to.

Hey guys! How are you?  There will be two parts of this chapter because it was getting long and it's not close to over yet. Hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

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