Robinear leaned forward slightly to try and hear it. She brushed the leaves, and they let out what she considered an unnecessarily loud rustle.

Willowpaw's head shot up. "What's that?"

Robinear thanked the Sun and Moon that she was upwind as Willowpaw sniffed the air.

Leopardpaw flicked his tail in dismissal. "Probably just a squirrel." But his nose was twitching, and Robinear felt that he could tell it was indeed a cat.

Willowpaw relaxed. "Right. Of course." He glanced toward the bush nervously, and Robinear didn't dare move. "Let's go back to our dens anyhow. Just to be safe."

Leopardpaw yawned. "You do that. I've got to go to dirtplace."

The white tom nodded and walked to his den. "OK. Just be quiet, I don't want anyone to hear."

"I will," Leopardpaw mewed. He padded past Robinear's bush, but he seemed to purposely avert his eyes as he paused. "Get back to your den," he muttered under his breath. "I don't know who you are, and I don't want to. Just...tell Robinear for me."

He walked quickly toward the dirtplace, and Robinear ran quickly to her nest and curled up in it. Her chest rose and fell deeply as she tried to simulate deep sleep.

Her tail drifted over Thrushnose's, and she drew comfort from it.

She was suddenly aware of Leopardpaw above her as his scent drenched her nostrils. "I love you," he muttered. "But I'm not too blind to see your heart lies somewhere else."

Robinear's heart melted a little. That is the sweetest thing anyone's said to me...

He moved until he was over Thrushnose. "Protect her for me, will you?"

Then he settled down in his own nest. Robinear waited until his breathing was deep and even before she crept out of her moss and out the entrance. She crept carefully toward the Servant's den to ask the only cat she could.

She winced at the cramped nature of the den almost immediately. The cats couldn't even move their tails without whacking someone across the muzzle.

She somehow managed not to step on anyone as she reached her target, the ginger she-cat. She tapped her with her tail, guessing, correctly, that Servants were fairly light sleepers.

Gingerfur got up almost immediately, starting to duck into a bow before she spotted who it was. "Robinear?"

Hey voice seemed impossibly quiet, barely louder than a breath. Robinear didn't trust her own voice, and just wordlessly gestured out of the den.

Gingerfur dipped her head in assent, curiosity shining in her amber gaze.

Robinear picked her way carefully through the maze of tails and limbs once more. Gingerfur followed her gracefully, barely looking down.

Robinear breathed a sigh of relief as she exited the den, and sat down quietly outside of it. Gingerfur quickly joined her, tail swishing in curiosity.

"Well," Robinear began, "Willowpaw was talking to Leopardpaw tonight."

Gingerfur winced. She knew of Robinear's problems with Willowpaw. "What did he say?"

Robinear gulped. "He offered to share me with Leopardpaw."

"By the darkness!" cursed Gingerfur. "He turned him down, right?"

Robinear nodded. "He did. But that means.."

"...that Willowpaw will have more time with you," Gingerfur finished. "I'm sorry, Robinear."

"Is there anything I can do?"

Gingerfur hesitated. "Why are you asking me?"

Robinear flicked her tail. "You're my friend, Gingerfur. Besides, you seem to know a lot about claiming."

"I don't think I'm really one to talk about avoiding claims..." Gingerfur mewed. "...considering I'm in a permanent one."

"Really? Congratulations!"

Gingerfur purred. "I have some little ones coming too," she admitted, patting her stomach with her tail.

"That's awesome, Gingerfur!"

The ginger she-cat purred again. Her expression sobered quickly, though, with her next statement. "You can't really do anything," she sighed.

Robinear sighed. "Thanks anyway, Gingerfur." She started to turn away to go back to sleep.

"Wait!" mewed Gingerfur suddenly.

Robinear stopped in her tracks and turned. "What?"

"If you want my honest opinion..." began Gingerfur. "...I'd accept Leopardpaw's permanent claim if he ever asked."


"Hear me out," Gingerfur pleaded. "I think he wouldn't touch you if he asked." She winked. "I think he'd even let you keep your 'relationship' with Thrushnose."

"I'm not sure..." Robinear mewed. What if he changes if I do agree? After all, he was quite strange when he first spoke to me...

Gingerfur sighed. "You asked for my opinion. I gave it."

Robinear nodded. "I'll...consider it."

She padded back to her den, pondering Gingerfur's advice. She did have good points...

Still, she wouldn't approach him herself.

He'd have to come to her.

But after all...who can you trust in this place?

Part of FloraClan was, of course, disguising your true intentions.

It was hard to know what anyone wanted.

Her mind suddenly went to the strange rogue she'd met while hunting. She'd hinted at a rebellion of sorts.


She shook her head. No, she was loyal to FloraClan.

Or was she?

Hi! Ember here with this new chapter!

What did you think about this new development? Opinions on Willowpaw and Leopardpaw? Did Gingerfur give good advice?

News-wise: I've changed the cover and description for this book and released the next three covers. I've decided to make this now four books!

Oh, and I started a guidebook on FloraClanCharacters !

Until next Saturday :)


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