"Ha!" Lucas shouts at Adrian in triumph. They're both still laying on the ground, even though Lucas can get up because he's still in the game.

Lucas is suddenly sprayed with paint as Mason shoots at him. "Hey!" Lucas cries indignantly as he falls on his back. Adrian laughs his head off, unable to do anything but that.

As Adrian lays in the dirt laughing, Lucas tries to save himself by jumping up and away. But just as he does, Lucas sees his light go red.

"Mason!" Lucas roars at his twin with pure fury. Adrian finally stops laughing so he can enjoy the show. This is going to be good.


"Didn't I tell you that would be better than your average paintball game?" Adrian asks with amusement as everyone sulks.

Adrian's right. That was more than just your average paintball game. This game was a mix between paintball and laser tag. The vest with the light keeps track of how many times you've been hit. The paintballs aren't ordinary either. They're weighted a bit so that the vest will be able to pick up when you get hit.

"You could've warned us about the pain." Jerica mumbles while rubbing her arm. "I'm going to be bruised."

"I told you it would be tough." Adrian responds with a shrug and a half of a smile.

Adrian did warn them. But he did so in a teasing way, knowing that none of them when decline the challenge. But seeing them now, Adrian believes they regret accepting.

Even though Adrian didn't win, he decided not to be moody about it. Everyone else lost too, even Mason. Although his loss was metaphorical. Lucas is no longer speaking to Mason, and Adrian can practically see the guilt dripping from Mason's downcast face.

And all of this makes Adrian super happy. Especially since Ivie isn't here, so she won't be in a bad mood like everyone else.

Ivie said paintballing wasn't her thing, and fortunately Adrian didn't push it or he'd probably have an angry girlfriend right now.

"Did you have fun, John?" Adrian asks in a fake polite way.

John ruins Adrian's fun by smiling. He was supposed to glare or insult, not smile!

"Yeah I did. I had a lot of fun shooting you, Adrian." John replies in a cheerful tone that's as false as Adrian had been.

"Same to you, buddy." Adrian says with a grin. John was the one who shot Adrian in the shoulder, multiple times. Adrian returned the favor by hitting John with paintballs way past the time his red light came on.

"Did you get highlights in your hair?" Adrian questions John, tilting his voice to sound nothing but curious.

Adrian sees Lena's mouth twitch up in a smile before she forces herself to put on a blank face. Adrian's smile widens as John glares at him.

"Yeah. Just today." John says sarcastically, knowing Adrian meant the paintball color stuck in his golden hair.

"Really? What color were you aiming for?" Adrian asks in a curious tone.

Adrian had hit John in the head with multi colored paintballs, so the colors mixed together to form blobs of unattractive browns and dark purples.

"Alright Adrian, that's enough." Jerica steps up to break up the fight. She was a tad late though. John had already disappeared. Into thin air. Adrian chuckled to himself.

Jerica must really be in a bad mood, considering the fact that she's never the one trying to break up fights. Usually Jerica encourages them.

The Secrets of CainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora