War Zone

311 21 76

Date 4-8-17

Hey everyone! I'm so glad to be starting up Wattpad again.

I took a little break after finishing The Wolves of Cain, but now I'm back with the sequel! I hope you enjoy.

Just so you know, some of my readers find it sort of frustrating that the chapters aren't numbered. So I'm numbering chapters from now on! You'll see what I mean.

Also, this chapter is longer than the others will probably be. I'm shooting for around 2000-2500 per chapter.

Word Count: 3063


Chapter 1: War Zone

The sound of gunfire echoes across the field as Adrian's heart stops beating. His fingers stay on the trigger of his gun in anticipation.

It's a clever move of him to make. This way, the supernatural beings shooting at him won't be able to use his heartbeat to track him.

Adrian holds his breath and stays put, not daring to move a muscle. Already hit multiple times, Adrian can not afford to keep getting hit.

Adrian remains with his back against the makeshift wall, which just so happens to be a stack of hay bales. Not very protective, but Adrian knows it's better than nothing.

If Adrian can make it inside the maze, he can lose his attackers quickly, then trap and take them down. They wouldn't see it coming. Simple.

Adrian takes in a silent breath, attempting to track the others. But the wind is blowing hard, causing Adrian's sense of smell to be corrupt so he can't tell the scents apart. If a stray animal wandered on to this field, Adrian wouldn't be able to tell it apart from a person just through his nose.

So Adrian avoids every scent that seems to be coming near. With the wind blowing as much as it is, it's nearly impossible to tell how close someone is.

Usually Adrian would mutter under his breath in annoyance, but that might alert someone to his position.

Adrian takes off in a blur towards the side entrance to the maze. It's another smart move on Adrian's part. He only saw that way in when crouched down earlier in hiding.

But of course someone saw him, that much was inevitable.

Adrian hears a shot leaving a gun near him. Adrian makes a hard right while running, now facing away from his intended destination. Then Adrian makes a hard left at the sound of more gunshots, just barely missing those as he enters the maze. Victory!

Adrian takes a few random turns through the maze before stopping to listen. The wind isn't as loud in here because the hedges seem to be blocking out some of the sound.

Adrian hears no one following him. Adrian plays his "dead trick" by stopping his heart, not breathing, and not moving.

Adrian hears a heartbeat nearby, but not coming his way. There's no footsteps, so it must be a werewolf.

Adrian takes a moment to assess the damage that was inflicted on him earlier. Adrian's hand lands in a sticky red mess on his shoulder.

Adrian only sneers at his shoulder. The only thing Adrian lost from that hit was a couple cool points.

Adrian smiles at the fact that he took down the one who left his shoulder like that. And he wasn't gentle about it. Only four to go.

The heartbeat gets closer as Adrian starts to get a move on, so he follows it from a safe distance. They won't even hear him coming.

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