5. Meeting His Family

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"I want to see my Grandson Harold!" You heard Anne whisper-shout from the half open door out in the hallway of the hospital.

"He's sleeping Mum and (Y/N) is as well you can see them an-"  

"Harry," You giggle, opening the door fully making Harry whip around. "Let her see her first Grandchild will you...I need to talk to you as well." You smiled at Anne, letting her in. Once you saw she has picked up Aiden and sat down with him in her arms, you tugged Harry's arm to the little seating area away from the window so Anne didn't see your conversation.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked, his face twisted in confusion and worry. "Did I do something wrong?" He looked down ashamed and he looked adorable.

"No silly, It's just that I really want to take Aiden home now." You wrap his arm around his waist and bring him in for a tight hug. "I want to be able to see him sleeping in his cot soon." You mumble into his chest.

"I do to kitten. You got me worried for a second." He chuckled lightly. "We will be home with him before you know it, now lets go and see Mum for a bit." He pecked your cheek and cupped your hands with his, leading you back to the door.

"She loves him already, look at her." You laugh and open the door as you watched Anne cooing over the silent boy. "How is he Anne?" You ask, sitting down next to her.

"He's gorgeous! I see where he gets the looks from." She smiled.

"Thanks Mum." Harry smiled, looking adoringly at his mother.

"Not you Harold!" She scolded him.


"Even though Mum has already seen little Emmy, the girls have tweeted, texted and messaged me how excited they are. Mum even sent me a video of them getting worked up about meeting their new nephew." He chuckled, showing you the video where all the girls were screaming around.

"At least I know they're excited, I just hope they wont crowd her or scare her with their excitment rush." You frown, looking over at Emma sleeping tightly in her pink little blanket.

"Mum said that she'll text me when they're in the parking lot, I'll get them to calm down." He pecked your cheek before his phone went off with the sound of a 'ding'. "That's Mum. I'll be back and remember that if anything happens-"

"To press the emergency by the bed for a nurse and doctor to come rushing in to save the day." You cut him off, saying what he was about to explain for the millionth time to you. "Go, I love you." You whisper against his lips before watching him walk off.

After 5 minutes, the door creaked slowly open once again and Louis walked in with the twins hands intwined with his as Lottie and Felicite follwoed in with Jay right behind them. You smiled when you saw Louis walk the twins over to the cot with Emma in it, him picking them both up and leaning gently over so they could rub the top of her head with their tiny fingers.

"How are you honey." Jay whispered, clutching your hands with hers as she sat down in the seat that Louis was sitting in a few minutes ago before he had to get the girls. 

"I'm doing good, just really tired." You yawn. "What about you? Louis told me something happened a few weeks ago." You frown.

"Oh, I'm pregnant again!" 


"I have gifts!" Trisha squealed as she walked in unexpectedly with her arms full of bags. 

"Mum! You said you weren't coming till Monday." Zayn laughed and quickly rushed over to his mother to take the large and heavy bags off her small arms.

"I wanted to come earlier. The girls have gone out to get their own gifts." She laughed and waved him off. "Anyway, how is my daughter-in-law?" She smiled, standing next to the bed. 

"I'm great, feel different though." You laughed and brought her in for a hug. "I guess not having the boys in anymore is really weird." You pull back.

"So true...can I meet them?" She asks. You nod and stand up from the bed, picking up Ethan and handing him to his Grandmother. 

"Meet Ethan Mum." Zayn smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist, pecking your temple as you leaned into his side.

"I need to see my nephews!" Another voice had entered the room and in came Doniya, Safaa and Waliyha who were all frantically looking around the room until their eyes had been set on you. "(Y/N)!" They all squealed loudly, rushing over to you and bringing you into a hug.

"Hey girls, I'm guessing you're here to see the boys?" You smile, hugging each of them individually. They nodded and you handed Eli to Doniya. 

"He is so adorable!" Safaa whispered, playing with Eli's tiny fingers.


"You look fantasic." Karen smiles, looking you up and down when she pulled away from the hug.

"Thanks Mum." You smile at her. "My parents were here a few days ago." You say to Ruth and Nicole as they joined in the conversation...Karen holding Misteria. 

"How did it go?" Nicole asked.

"They apologized and I set out a few rules and I'm surprised they agreed. My sister was also there, but now she's out of town to see her friend she finally found over Facebook." You roll your eyes at your sisters choice, knowing it probably wasn't who she thought it was.

"Where's Liam?" Ruth looked around, seeing all the balloons and toys that were all for Misteria.

"He's gone to have sometime with the boys, since I pratically tore him away from them for at least 9 months now so he deserves to spend some time with them." You play with your fingers, feeling guilty that you did that to Liam. 

"Honey, you're Liam's life and so is Misteria...don't beat yourself up just because he took 9 months away from the band." Karen smiled, handing over Misty to Ruth. You nodded and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Liam standing their with a bad of Macca's.

"I brought you something to eat, but I guess I should have brought more." He said, looking at his Mum and 2 sisters sitting all on the couch around you.


Niall was playing with Theo while Greg and Denise were sitll cooing over Ava. Maura had went to go get Niall's Grandma, since she really wanted to see her great grandchildren.

"You alright Princess?" Niall asked, Theo on his hip as he gently played with Niall's blonde hair.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." You laugh and wipe your eyes. "And very hungry." You moved over so Niall could sit down on the bed with you with Theo on his lap. 

"Just think, this time next week, Ava will be in our home in her own room with her own toys." He smiled and brought your hands up to his lips and kissing your knuckles ever so lightly. "Everyone already loves her." He exclaimed, putting Theo on the ground as he ran to his parents legs. "She already has a cousin to play with." He sighed and put you in his lap.

"Ni, don't put me in your lap, I'm still fat." You muttered, trying to get out of his grasp but was then put back in the spot your were in.

"Don't let me ever here you call yourself fat again." He growled in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "Your not fat and never were." His voice softened down a lot when he whispered in your ear and pecking your neck with feather light kisses.

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