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"Alright the next one is for... Emily" Zayn says as he pushes a big box towards me.

"Holy cow" I say looking at the box that says: 'for Emily, be carefull', "alright then, let's do this"

I rip the paper of the large box and open it, only to find an other box, also wrapped in paper.

"Wait, this one has Ella's name on it" I say getting the second box out of the first one.

"That will probably mean she has to open it" Patricia says.

"Alright then" I say and hand Ella the box, "have fun"

Ella unwraps the second box, and opens it, only to find an other box that says 'for Patrisha' and so it goes on and on. The box keeps getting smaller and smaller, untill it's Zayns turn to open it.

"Alright, here we go" Zayn says and opens the box.

"And what's in it?" I ask impatiently.

"A note for, you babe" he says and hands me a letter.

I open it and start reading.

"Dear girlfriend,

I love you, bye.

No that would be a stupid letter, would it? For this occupation it would.

So as you probably still remember we've met a couple of years ago, four years ago to be exact, and ever since you are stuck in my head. Sometimes you are dancing around like there is no tomorrow and sometimes you just sit there and be your beautiful self.

It took me a while to tell you how much I actually like you, but when I did I felt like I was done looking for someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. I am done looking for a beautiful, intelligent, funny, crazy, sweet, carefull and loads of other things, girl. So.."

"So..." I read out loud, maybe he forgot to finish it or something, I don't know.

I look up and see Zayn stand right in front of me.

"So, I wanted to ask you something" he says, finish his letter.

"Alright, go ahead"

"Emily" he says as he gets down on one knee as he opens the last box, "will you marry me?"

My eyes immediately get filled up with tears, as I feel my hands shaking. My mind just clears everything that has nothing to do with Zayn.

Fuck he is so cute, and I love him so much, and I do want to spend the rest of my life waking up next to him.
Then why don't you say yes? He's waiting you know?

Sorry for letting you wait Zayn, I love you.

"Yes, duh" I say as Zayn puts the absolutely beautifull ring around my finger, as he gets up. "Urgh, I love you" I say and pull him into a kiss.

GUYS, I'm getting married to the boy I first thought was ugly, didn't see that one coming at the beginning of this story did you?
Well, I have a surprise for you, I did like him from the beginning. I just didn't like to admid it. It is weird admitting that some famous boy at the walls of your little sister looks cute, but hell he did.
So yes, I did like him at the beginning but I didn't want you guys to know. But guess what, I don't care anymore. I love this boy, and we are getting married. Adios, sayonara, see you when my last name is Malik.

HI, thank you all for reading, hope you liked it. bla bla thank you speech bla bla. bye <3

Old School Love - z.mNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ