Chapter Fourty-Six

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Emily forced me to lie down in bed and let her treat me like a 'princes'. Why? Because she is weird and because I love her, that's why. Yes I got beaten up by Perries older brother, and yes I'm in a lot of pain, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything. But if it makes Emily happy that I stay in bed, I'll do that.

The sound of the ringing doorbell gets me out of my thoughts, as I immediately want to get up and open the door, just right when Emily stops me.

"Don't think so, princes" she says and walks out of the room. After a couple of seconds she is back up with my mum? I didn’t really exact that to happen. Why would she drop by? Not that I don't like it it's just a bit surprising.

"Zayn, what have you done boy? And you better tell me the whole truth" my mum says sitting down next to me on the bed, as Emily leaves the room.


"I hope you kicked his butt to hell?"

"No, but can I please tell what happened?"

"Why didn't you?"


"Yeah, sorry hun"

"Well..." I start and tell everything that happened. From the beginning till the very first end... Not that there is a second and but you get what I mean. I tell her why I didn't hit Jimmy back, but that Emily yelled at him so hard that he pussied out. That you could hear how angry she was at him, but also at me for not punching him.

"And how do you feel now?"

"My hand hurts a lot, and I'm a bit dizzy, but that's alright"

"Let me see your hand" mum says as she just grabs it, "and you should look out with the dizziness, because that isn't always 'alright'"

"Yeah, but this time it is"

"Do you have some bandages here?"

"Uhm... Yes I guess, Emily probably knows where. Not that I know, but she is smarter"

"Don't tell me you're stupid. I only gave birth to smart children" my mum says leaving the room to find some bandages.



Jessie: seriously? Why didn't Zayn just kill that person? I know how he is when he's mad, and Jesus, people should not make him mad.

Emily: I know, that's why I was so, sort of, surprised when he told me he didn't even lay a finger on that guy.

Jessie: we will beat him up. Perries brother, not Zayn

Emily: no? Oh weird, why not Zayn?

Jessie: I can feel your sarcasm trough my curls

Emily: curl-telepathy


I look up from my phone as Patricia, Zayns mum, walks down the stairs. I used to call her Miss Malik, but she told me that every time I call her that she gets a new furrow, so I now have to call her Patricia.

"Emily...?" She asks me.


"Do you know where I can find some bandages?"

"Uhm... Good question" I say, as I lay my phone on the cooking island where I was sitting at. I open some kitchen closets hoping to find at least something. But nope. After ten minutes of looking for bandages I suddenly see the light. The last time I was here I saw some bandages, but where... I think deep and suddenly realize they were in Zayns closed. Why? I don't know, but they were there.

"Zayns closet" I tell Patricia and we both go upstairs. As we enter the room we both kind of freeze when we see that Zayn has fallen asleep with a huge stuffed bear in his arms, as we both go. "Aaaaah"

"Wait, the bandages" I say and get my eyes off Zayn, who is really cute when he sleeps, especially with a huge stuffed bear. I get back pretty fast and hand Patricia the bandages. She lays them around Zayns hand while he continues sleeping. I know Zayn is hard to wake up, but I didn't really think he would sleep through this. Oh well, he sleeps so he can't do all the things he wanted to do.




and I am going to work bye

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