Chapter Thirty-Nine

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>>>FIRST, stop reading this, read Living Louder, then come back here and read this. Thank you<<<





Only a couple of shows and we will leave for the US, which means no Bob, and no Perrie, but also no Emily. I’m totally fine with the first two parts, but the last one. I know we don’t have contact, but when I’m not here it also means that I can’t run into her and make things up. It will be too late when I’m back, I can’t just show up after almost six months and tell her that I still love her. So it has to be before the tour, which means I only have a couple of days left and that I have to do this very quickly.

“Hey Zaynie” Perrie says with her annoying weird accent as she walks into the dressing room.

“What was that about?”

“I just said hello”

“Don’t call me Zaynie, no one does that. And if someone did you were also not allowed to say it”

“Wasn’t it something Emily said? Aren’t you supposed to cry right now?”

“Shut up about her. The reason I cry about her is all because of you”

“Sure, like I wanted this stupid contract”

“You clearly did, because otherwise you wouldn’t have signed it the minute you got it in front of your nose”

I now would like to take a moment and thank Louis for being sassy and teaching me to be sassy. Thank you boo bear.



I walk through the long hallways of the arena, looking for the boys. I know the dressing rooms are nearby, but I still have to find theirs. I can’t be that hard right?

“Oh look at yourself, signing it without telling your girlfriend” I hear someone say, “my bad, your ex-girlfriend”

“Shut up about Emily, you don’t even know her” I hear a familiar voice say.

Why are they talking about me? Did I do something wrong? What is this about?

“But at least I have enough balls to talk to her”

“You don’t even know me. You don’t know how it feels like to be me”

“It can’t be that hard to be a brainless guy who gets paid for jumping around on a stage, while you can’t even sing” 

 “I rather be brainless and look good, than have the IQ of a goldfish and look like one"

Oooh Perrie you just got dissed. I have to admit that hearing them argue is pretty funny. I think Zayn got a ‘how-to-be-sassy’-class from Louis.

"Well at least I won x-factor"

"So? I am going to perform at MSG, not you"

"But without Emily"

"Because of you"

"Zayn, don't say that. It isn't my fault she doesn't love you"

Wait there Perrie purple haired poo face, I do love Zayn. He doesn't need to know but I do love him. Don’t act like you’re cool only because you have purple hair, it looks like an unicorn puked all over you hair, because you are NOT cool.

"She broke up with me because of you. If your stupid band didn't need publicity Emily and I would still be together. But noooo, you guys need a fake relationship for publicity, which happens to ruin my entire life, thanks"

"It wasn't my fault"

"Believe me when I say it is" Zayn says with anger in his voice, "she broke up because YOU kissed me. I did not ask or sign for that. We were supposed to be in a fake relationship, but you crossed the line by pressing your ugly face into mine. Which I did NOT appreciate”

Wait, do I understand this right? Are Zayn and Perrie fake dating for publicity? He never dated her? So if I just asked about it; we could've still been together? Oh my god, I ruined it all. It's my entire fault that we broke up. I’m so stupid. What am I supposed to tell him now? “Hi Zayn, sorry I didn’t know what was going on. I love you let’s make out?”


"FINE" Perrie yells getting me out of my thoughts.

"URGH I AM SO DONE WITH YOU" Zayn yells at her as the door flies open, "GET OUT"

Perrie storms out of the room, yelling something at Zayn. I really wish I could run for the hills right now but my lovely body decides to freeze as Zayn and I lock eyes. I see the anger in his eyes fight away, getting replaced by something I can't really name. It's regret, but also relieve, and excitement.

We both just stare into each other’s eyes, and do nothing. I am still holding my breath, while I can't move, or can't feel my heart beat. When I finally manage to breathe again, I unfreeze and look away from Zayns eyes. I walk away from him, knowing that this is my entire fault. I suddenly realize what could have happened if I didn't broke up with him. If we just talked, instead of broke up.

"Emily, wait" I hear Zayn say, but I ignore him and start walking a bit faster.

"Em, please" he says apparently following me, as my fast walking turns into running, not knowing where my final destination is.



Ashton and I walk over to the boys as we talk about Zayn and Emily. We should really get them together.

"Hi guys" Calum says as we walk into the dressing room.

"Hi" we say awkwardly.

"Let’s have a little talk about the Zemily project, because mister Malik just had a fight with Perrie. He might be alone now" Luke says.

“Alright, but how are we going to do this? We can just push Emily into that room and wait till they’re friends again”

“Yes we can, after we found Emily, and got Zayn to stay into that room”

“Alright then, let’s do this”


welcome back, hope you've read Living louder. YOU DIDN'T WHAT?! read it bc i want to post the first chapter, but I'm waiting till i get 50 reads so yeah. READ IT, please.

I feel so bad, I'm listening to my little American babies, the Jonas Brothers, while writing about that Irish blonde, blue-eyed boy, it just feels weird.

oh well, this girl is going to continue writing while you guys are going to check out Living louder, bc i want you to and i'll love you forever bye

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