Chapter Thirty-Five

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I hate my life. I miss Emily really bad, Perrie is annoying and the management thinks they own me. Sometimes I wish I stayed in my bed the day of the auditions. I love preforming, the fans, and with the money I own I can help my parents out a bit. But it isn’t always that fun, let’s not forget the fact that my life changed a hundred percent.

“ZAYN, do you even listen?” Leonard asks snapping his fingers.

“Yes?” I say and look up as I hear someone giggle.

Wait a sec, is that who I think it is? The giggle can't be from her, right? I know that giggle very well, and yes that does sound weird but I do. No one can giggle so cute.

"Well, you clearly don’t” Leonard says as I turn my attention back to him, “I can’t work with you like this. Pay attention, unless you want a fucked up performance”

“No, I’ll do my best”


“URGH, why does everyone wants something from me? Why don’t you ever let me be myself? You all expect me to be happy, and perfect all day long, well guess what, I’m not” I say mad and walk off that stage.

“ZAYN COME BACK HERE” Leonard yells but I refuse to come back.

I walk through the hallways, and look for our dressing room. Not that I have any luck today, because of course I can't find it. I walk to the secret place, the place where Emily and I really got to know each other, where we actually became friends, just by being ourselves.

I sit down, my back against the wall, my knees up to my chest, just enjoying the silence.



"STOP" I say, but they don't listen and all start tickling me, as I start giggling.

"Oh my god, Emily, that is so cute" Julie says stepping away from me.

"LET IT STOP" I yell as I fall down to the ground.

"Omg Emily, are you hurt?" Michael asks as they all stop tickling me, finally.

"No, I'm not, but..." I say as I get up. I can see they want to tease me again with the tickling, just by the look in their eyes, even in Julie's. But I'm not that dumb, so I decide to just start running someone randomly.

"ZAYN COME BACK HERE" I hear someone yell, as I freeze.

I already lost the boys and Julie, so no worries about that. Right now, I'm more scarred to see Zayn. I know I still like him, I just don't want to admit it. I lie to myself just to make me feel better, but guess what, that doesn't work.

After a couple of minutes I start walking again, and realize where I am. The secret place should be somewhere near by here. It's the first time I'm back here at the O2 since everything with my dad, and Zayn. So I haven't been here at this place without Zayn. It's our little secret place. The cool thing about it is that you can see people coming, but they won't see you. It's a perfect place to spy on someone.

A ringing phone gets me out of my thoughts. It's the exact same ringtone Zayn used to have, so it brings up some funny memories.

He once threw his phone across the room, because it was ringing in the middle of the night. But that same day he let it fall into his bowl of soup, so the screen broke. That wasn't really one of his best days.

"What? No I'm not coming, I just want to be alone" someone says as I, again, freeze.

Let's just hope it's someone who happens to talk exactly the same as Zayn does. I just hope that...

I look up into two big brown eyes. I notice the dark spots under his watery eyes. If there was anything I could do to turn this all back into the way things were, I would, but right now all I can do is turn around and walk away. I don't want him to hurt me like before. I can't let him do that to me.

"Emily..." Zayn softly says.

"Don't please" I tell him, "good luck with the tour. Get some sleep, you look tired"


I turn around and walk away, trying to keep the tears from forming a river on my face. I just really want to get out of here. I know I promised Luke to stay for his practice but right now, I can't. I can't because of my dad, I can't because of Zayn, I just can't.

I walk towards the dressing room of the boys, grab my stuff and go after I wrote a little note that I 'wasn't feeling well'. I'll tell Julie what happened when she comes home, she'll tell the boys. Good plan.



A tear rolls down my cheek as I watch Emily go away. I just let her slip through my fingers, again. This was my only chance to get her back, but when it's time to speak up, I always pussy out. I just freeze, can't breathe, speak, blink, move or think. I don't know why it happens, because I want to speak up and tell Emily that I miss her, I want to get her back right now, but I just can't. It takes me five minutes to get moving again, and I walk back to the dressing room, hoping to find it this time.

"Zayn, bro are you alright?" Niall asks me as he puts an arm around me.

"Yeah, fine. I'm just really tired"

"You do look bad. Why don't you just go home, we'll cover it up for you"

"No, I can't leave you guys"

"And we don't like a zombie in the band, so go home and sleep for the rest of the day"

"Fine, I'll go home" I tell him as I grab my stuff when he lets me go, "but I'll promise to be there tomorrow"

"Just sleep, and it will all be fine" Niall says petting my head with a smile on his face.

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