"Flora, baby, you need to let Noori have a look at you right now. Please, you're hurt and you need to let us help you." I gulped loudly, eyeing them all with suspicion and fear. I'd known them for two years! How could I trust them after today!? They weren't even human!

But, they hadn't done anything to hurt me yet. I mean, if they had too, then they should have by now, right?

"Flora, please. Just let us help you." Daniella spoke this time, turning her head to flash me a solemn expression. My eyes darted between them again, calculating, judging. I took a deep breath, trying to think clearly with the pain. And then finally, I nodded.

"Okay. But you can't knock me out." I knew this was stupid. Physically, they could do whatever they wanted and I wouldn't be able to stop them, and yet they waited. They really wanted it to be my choice.

"But Luna, it will hurt."

"I know."

Next to me, Reece let out a frustrated groan. "Flora! You are in pain! I can't see you like this!" His words only gave a slight indication of how truly on edge he really was. But I knew from the way his other hand clenched the bedpost and his breathing which came in spurts that he was trying not to give away how tormented he felt.

My heart clenched at the sight of the man. He looked tortured and hurt. I wanted to help him, I really did. But how could I trust them when they'd been feeding me a lie all this while? I'd dated a werewolf for a year! Oh god this whole situation was insane!

"No knocking me out." I maintained my position despite how much effort it took to even speak.

"At least let me give you something for the pain." Noori supplied, reaching into her suitcase to take out a different syringe. It was filled with red liquid. I eyed it warily, could I trust her to not drug me?

"Flora, I will overrule your decision if you don't allow this." Reece's words made the whole room go silent. Was he blackmailing me? Dani and Grey exchanged a silent look. Noori had her head held down, as if in respect to Reece.

Boy, he really wasn't joking.


"I'm serious. I can't let you be a danger to yourself. You can get mad at me later." He continued, his eyes dark. Dani gave me a desperate look. "Flora honestly, we're doing everything to make you feel safe.."

And so, I nodded.

Noori was quick and efficient, I didn't even feel the needle go in. We all sat in silence when she pulled it out and placed it back inside. A few seconds passed. A whole minute. Two. And then suddenly, I could feel the pain ebb. It began to recede from my arm and my ankle and my chest until I could feel nothing. I was completely numb.

A big smile lit my face, "I feel nothing!" Whoa! This shit was insane!

Noori let out a shaky laugh and I felt Reece relax next to me. Why would she be nervous?

"I'm going to go now, and see if Grey needs help." Dani left the room.

"And I'm going to fix you up now." Her eyes held permission as she reached for her gauze, but it wasn't directed at me.

"Go ahead, " Reece answered and then added, "carefully, Noori."

"Yes Alpha." She got to work, instructing me politely when she wanted me to move a little or hold something out for her and I did as I was told. I liked her, she was focused, dedicated and thorough. Reece didn't try to touch me after I'd flinched away from him, but he was watching me like a hawk. I made the mistake of meeting his gaze once and nearly felt my insides melt with the intensity. He stood there like the calm before the storm, barely held back, just about to tip over. Needless to say, I didn't dare to look at him after that.

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