Nephrite x reader

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A request by: DeviousRabbit

You were invited to go to a ball with your friend Serena and the others , you weren't much of a dancer so pretty much all you did was stick around the buffet or hide in the corner watching everyone dance to the lovely melody, you sigh not wanting to be here any longer just as you were about to head out you bumped into someone

"excuse me" Said the man as a blush formed on your face He has thick and wavy maroon hair that reaches to his mid-back and dark blue eyes that stared into your eyes behind the mask he wore along with a black tuxedo.

"No no it's okay it was my fault I wasn't paying attention" You said looking away as you didn't want to make your face any redder

"It's quite alright, would you care to dance, I know we don't know each other but the person I was supposed to be here never showed "You look back up to him not wanting to let him down so you agree , you and this mystery man danced for what seemed forever but you didn't seem to notice you were just having a good time. When the party was over it was time to go

" thank you for Dancing With Me" he said while he kissed your hand

" I hope to see you again my lady " Days later you couldn't get the mystery man out of your head you should have asked for his number, but you were too stupid and forgot.

"Well I guess he is nothing now but a memory" You said as you were exiting out of the cafe with your Latte in hand until you bumped into someone spilling your Latte on him.

"OMG! I am so sorry ..." Your said then stopped when you saw it was the mystery man from the dance, lucky enough he forgave you for dropping the drink and of course you got his name this time and the two of you would see each other when he wasn't busy, you didn't want to admit it but the more you were around him the more you started to developed romantic feelings towards him.... But there was one little problem you are a sailor soldier from the Moon Kingdom and if you're falling in love with a human you would have no choice but to stay away from him. Then one night you and the Sailor Scouts where fighting off one of one of the dark Kingdom Youma, that had took possession of a little girl

" just once in your life can you Moon bastard get off of our planet!" you shouted as you through your attack at the Youma but it Dodge it before it could hit

"nice try you might wanna get some practice in your aim!" said nephrite with a laugh you grin as you decided to take the battle to him , you summoned your saber as you jumped High into the air justice ready to bring it down but he moved out of the way

" when are you wannabes are going to learn you can't win" you said to him as he bring out his sword

" want to bet on that little girl" he asked you two fight each other, he was getting the upper hand of you but you weren't going to let him win that easy, you shot Fireballs at him as some of them were able to hit him. When you were able to get him down you were getting ready to slay him but then you realize now that you got a closer look of him

"... No it can't be... Maxfield?" he looked at you confused for a minute until he realized

" you're a sailor?" he asked but you couldn't answer you can't believe that the guy you were crushing on was him, now you were cornered you don't know what to do weather to kill or let him go so of course you let him go. you've tryed avoiding him when he took on the disguised as a human but that made it even harder for you

"why are you avoiding me?"

"like you don't know ! you lied to me , how could you do that"

"you lied to me, your the one that lied to me! your a sailor scout"

"your one to talk, if the other sailor scouts find out that i like you im dead "

"really and whats so bad about that?"

"like hello , im supposed to Defend the earth from creeps like you not fall in love with one of there solders"

"your in love with me?" he asked making your face turn red

"oops, i mean no i uh"

"i love you to" he said as he pulling you into a kiss and you kissed back , you guess it wasnt so bad falling for him he wasnt really all that bad , so of course sailor moon turn him human and you and him live happily ever after

sailor moon fanfic X Reader book 1Where stories live. Discover now