The door to time is the door to my heart Setsuna x reader

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   another requested by KatherineNanopoulos  

You live in the 30st Century with the Sailor Scouts in the future but since the negaverse was going on you stayed back to keep neo queen serenity safe , you are sailor light you are very beautiful and you enjoy watching the sun rise and set everyday, that's exactly what you were doing now ,you were in the grassy field watching the sunset until you remembered that you had to be somewhere and that was to go see your best friend Sailor Pluto you made your way to the gates of time through the fog as a silhouette appeared.

"Hey Pluto" you said waving to her she gave you a sweet smile in return, you stayed with her for what seemed like hours just talking about anything that was on your mind you and Pluto had a long good history even though she was the gatekeeper of time and she didn't go anywhere very much you always made time to go see her because you got a crush on her but you were so good at hiding it you thought she didn't even know ,then again half of you felt like she didn't like you the same way you liked her ,you new that she had feeling for prince Endymion, you didn't want to believe it but every time he would show up her face would be red

You didn't think you would ever find a place in her heart so you stole one of her time keys and run away to the 20st century, you got used to living there along with your new friends Serena who turned out to be sailor moon along with the other sailor Scouts until that special day when you and Serena were walking home talking about the movie you guys seen last night you heard a voice that you haven't heard in a long time, You turn around to seeing a woman with dark green hair with some in a bun and the rest hanging down freely, and red eyes.she looked like Sailor Pluto but the more you looked at her you begin to realize that it was her

"(Y/N) , it's been a long time" she said with a sweet smile you don't understand why she was happy to see you , you thought that she would be mad at you for running away, Serena said that she will talk to you later and went on home leaving the two of you alone as you began to walk with her to the park you kept your eyes glued to the ground not wanted to make eye contact, looking back on what you did you kind of regret it and wish you could somehow changed it but you know you couldn't

"You know when I got word that you were here I was actually relieved" she said But you didn't reply not knowing what words you can say that could actually make this even better

"I thought you got lost in the time warp and would never see you again but when small lady told me that you were here assisting sailor moon the other sailor Scouts I was filled with joy that you weren't lost and was safe... Words can't explain how much I miss you" You stopped in your tracks as you looked over to her and saw her crying before you could say anything she pulled you into a warm embrace

"Why did you run away like that you don't know how hard I tried to look for you" She said through her crying

As she helped you closer

"I'm sorry... I just thought that your life is be more easier without me in it... " you said sadly "Seeing that he meant more to you than I will ever be" she pulled away from the hug looking at you kind of shocked from your words

"him? What are you talking about?"

" I'm talking about the prince I know that you like him and you can't lie to me and tell me that you don't when really you do... I thought that if I was gone then maybe you will finally get your chance ...I thought I was holding you back from that" You said looking away, She cup your face in her hands as she give you a warm smile

" (Y/N) whatever makes you think that I had ever had feelings for the prince? I know it may seem that way but really I don't have those type of infections for him, I gave them to someone else"

"Really, then... Who do you have love for ?" you asked And then was pulled into a kiss , you were shocking you but you got over it and close your eyes and kissing her back enjoying it

"I only have one key to open one door and that is your heart" She said pulling out the necklace key that was around your neck that was color silver with a ruby red heart Jewel in the center

Homeless replica of her sailor staff.

"I love you Setsuna"

"I love you to (Y/N)"

sailor moon fanfic X Reader book 1Where stories live. Discover now