sailor blood red moon x reader

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you are the mystical Sailor Scout called sailor blood moon, you are the alone scout that fight for the same reason sailor Moon does but because you've been fighting for the earth for so long you started to wonder if it was worth saving seeing you lost your home so long ago.

One night you decided to to pay sailor Moon and the sailor scouts a visit to see if they were worthy or not to be the savior of this planet and if not you'll just destroy it

"Red Moon Of Silence "You shouted as you Swing your sword at the sailor scouts that shot  a red blade energy

The girls jumped out of the way to Dodger your attack as you watch sailor mars from her mars flame sniper attack at you, you easily destroyed the attack with a red moon shield

"You Scouts are pathetic how dare you call yourself guardians of this planet when you can't even defeat the threat that is upon you "

"Who are you and why are you attacking us ?"

"I have my reasons "

You said Coldly as you attacked them once more, Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune tried to tag team you with Mars, Mercury and Uranus, you smirked at how hard they were trying to fight, you held your hand out and said

"Red Moon Eclipse"

A red moon form before the scouts, they  couldn't do anything until they got sucked up into the hole as you bend your hand into a fist then you opened your hand as the black hole threw them out as red spikes shot at them , all the scouts fell to the ground moaning in pain and all there was left was Sailor Moon

"I was right, you have no rights to this planet "

Just as you were gonna attack sailor Moon your hand was cut, you didn't Flinch or pull away from the sudden attack as you look to see an ice arrow

"Didn't anyone tell you it's wrong to bully people "

Said a voice as you looked behind you to see 4 unknown scouts you haven't seen

"What's this ... More scouts, who are you ?!"

"I could ask you the same thing lady in red, why are you attacking Sailor Moon ?"

The one in light blue asked you as you didn't reply then held your ruby sword out

"I have my reasons "

Was all you said as you blasted them with attacks, they were quick on their feet, making them split up

"We can talk about this and not fight you know "

Said the one in pink with the orange hair

As you attacked her, she dodges it then you came face to face with the one in dark purple with brown bows in her hair that tried to hit you with her arrows but you cut them all down

"So what do I call you, red, redhead or red girl with problems? "

Said the scout but You kept yourself calm knowing fully well that the girl was just trying to make you mad by her insults

"My name is sailor blood red moon, learn it winch !"

You hissed as you attacked at her hitting her dead on, then you heard someone shouted "WINTER STAR SHOWER" as multiple Stars started to rain down, you made your red moon portal to absorb it all as you sent it back at her as the stars were Now red. The scout in blue couldn't get away in time and gt hit

"Hey, you ! Pick on someone your own size"

Said the scout in pink

"Summer vortex blast !"

a spiral of fire shot to you, you jumped away from the attack only to met the another one

"spring hurricane!"

A color of leaves spun around you as you felt a cut on your arm, the leaves were blades that kept cutting you until you felt to the ground

"Give up redhead you can't beat us"

Said the one in blue, you showed no emotions as you looked at the 4 scouts that surrounded you

"Winter, spring, summer and autumn"

You said with a grin as blood drip from your head you stood up not caring that you were in pain

"Now I remember, the 4 scouts that were sent here to babysit this time"

"Hey, we're not babysitter !"

Summer shouted

"Well when she puts it that way she's right "

Winter said

"Winter don't say that"

Spring said as she shrugged

"I respect you 4, it's a shame Neo Queen Serenity put such good Fighters too fight for this planet when really you could be back home "

They didn't answer

"tell me why aren't you 4 really here... Where you guys executed?"

You asked

"We weren't executed and the truth of our reason being here isn't really your business "

sailor winter Said as you chuckled, you snap your fingers as your Cuts where now Healed making the fourth Scouts didn't seem to surprise but Sailor Moon And the others were

"Sailor winter, the broken yet Sleeping Beauty Scout, tell me why did Neo Queen Serenity send someone such as you to serve under her for this planet "

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

Summer asked

"Do I not have the right to know such questions it is unbelievable for me to understand why she would put you four here when she had her child and weak Guardians "

"Look here you ..."

"Mars shut up !"

Sailor Mars started but was cut off by winter

"Unless you want to be killed then shut that hot-tempered mouth of yours," sailor winter said not looking to her 

"how dare you say that to me when clearly this girl's an enemy"

"Come with us if you want to talk "

Autumn said as she and the others walked over to you and all of you disappeared in a mixture of elemental colors. After the long day of talking with the seasonal Scouts, you decided not to destroy the world because of their reasons that gave you make sense and now you promised to meet them again

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