Paparazzi Sailor

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                                                   (this is you)

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                                                   (this is you)

Your name is (y/N) , you are 20 years old, you live alone in an apartment and you are a photographer for the towns newspaper in japan(that's were you live), you are really good at your job but the only job that you are normally assigned to is taking pictures of athletes or celebrities. Which was okay with you, but what you really wanted to do was take a picture of the seasonal Scouts. Any other photographers had tried multiple times of taking their picture Of the seasonal Scouts but would end up coming back to the office with their cameras smashed, broken, burned or covered with ice. other photographers was able to get pictures of Sailor Moon and the others, but was never able to Capture the new Scouts that arrived, and that is where your Story begins.

You woke up one morning got dressed and ran your ass to your job, which wasn't far away from your apartment, once there you got an ear-splitting scream from your boss mr. Hazelnut. (I know it's a funny last name but the last time you made fun of it you almost got fired)

"(Y/N) GET IN MY OFFICE. NOW!!!!!" He shouted with rage making you sigh as you went to his office

"You are 2 minutes late missy, I should have fired you the day you walked in!" he shouted as he paced back and forth smoking a cigar, which wasn't true you were actually on time he just likes to yell at you considering you don't talk back,

"Sorry sir I will do better next time"

"Good, that's what I like to hear now for your job, I want you to go to Osaka Japan and try to capture pictures of the seasonal Scouts, there a big hit you know" Your eyes widen when you heard this and couldn't believe you got the job that you've always wanted to do, the first time you mentioned about Sailor Moon and the seasonal Scouts he just laughed at you and made someone else to get their picture. sure it hurt when you didn't get the job, not to mention when you don't do a good job on your work your budget gets cut, you hated it when he did that but there was nothing you could do, this was the only job that was close to your apartment.

" I've already set up an apartment for you in Osaka for you to stay 4 days and try to hunt for those Sailor Scouts, if you are able to get both Sailor Moon and seasonal's..... You will have more money in your wallet than you can handle" he said with a grin making you wonder if he was Serious or not.

You stood up from the chair giving him a salute with your camera in hand "I will do my best sir, I won't let you down!"

"You better, or else you're FIRED" he said "now leave i have a meeting at 2, the taxi is waiting for you as we speak , grab your things and get going!"

"Yes sir, right away sir" you said as you hurried out of the office quickly as you came out of the building to the taxi cab, you made a stop to your apartment for some clothes and stuff for your camera and then off to Osaka Japan you went. Once you made it to Osaka you found your apartment door and it was lovely it was bigger than your own apartment with a balcony, you can see all of the towns of Osaka, you set up your camera and your equipment's for tonight and went to bed.

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