sailor moon x reader

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your a fan of sailor moon and the sailor scouts but there was new scouts that catch your attention As you were walking out of the school building you stop as you saw a girl with tan skin , dark purple eyes and white hair with blue highlights pulled in odango's wearing the same school uniform as you near the school gate , you heard from kids around your school saying she's mean and doesn't get close to no but ....

"Tsume ! " shouted a voice as you turn to see a girl with fair skin , teal eyes , orange long hair with a pink bow in her hair she ran to the girl tsume and you prayed she wasn't going to get beat up but to your surprised when she hugged her , tsume hugged her back .

"I missed you!"

"Chrissy , we go to the same school " tsume said

"I know but we only got 3 classes together, and being away from you is lonely " Chrissy said with a giggle

"(Sigh) let's go "

"Can we stop at the candy story ?"

"....fine " tsume said with a sigh as the two left the school, you found it weird how fast the 2 girls showed up at your school and how fast rumors were flying about her beating up someone and from then on that girl tsume hasn't made friends with no one but that girl who was friendly to a lot of people .

By the next day at lunch you watching as tsume and Chrissy talked you wish to talk to them but you were kinda shy but when the bell rings they would be gone and by night you would get this feeling that you were being watched . you would hear on the News about a fire break out or see in the papers that sailor moon wasnt the only hero out there , girls in shadows would help sailor moon and disappear before a camera shot could be taken , they called themselves the seasonal Scouts , you wished you could met them but how

You stupidly waited out at night looking for something to happen and your stupid ass got kidnapped and got knocked out when you came to you were in a Warehouse as some guy was going on about capturing the sailor scouts and right there and then the sailor scouts appeared Sailor Moon did her sailor speech blah blah blah and she suck ! because the guy was really a monster in disguise But then a fire arrow was shot at him as you felt a cold wind brush on you as you looked to see the seasonal scouts and man did you have starts in your eyes

"Must we really be your clean up crew ?" Asked a scout in plum and brown sailor outfit sailor autumn was her name as she and another girl wearing lime green and yellow attacked the monster she was sailor spring and sailor summer saved you a scout that was dressed in pink and plum , after the fight sailor moon did a check on you but really you wanted to meet the seasonal but sailor winter was fighting with sailor Mars

"Um sailor winter " Winter looked to you and blow sailor Mars away with a winter breeze making her run around screaming from it being cold

"Yes" she said kindly

"I just wanted to ...." You started but got cut off

"We're the hell is your parents !?" she asked pissed

"Huh ?" this caught you off-guard saying you didn't think you were going to be asked that (but really who wouldn't asked you )

"Winter ! " sailor summer shouted

"What , im sure you would asked the same question "

"She's are fan so be nice " summer told her

"I was , please be smarter in the future kid or else you'll die by sailor Mars " winter said with a grin

"Hey !" Mars yelled as she shot her flame sniper at her but summer counter it with her fire arrow

"Gotta go kid " winter said with a wink making you blush as autumn leafs formed around them making the 4 scouts disappear you were super happy to have met the seasonal scouts that night , the next day you saw Chrissy chasing tsume around as she was then tackled by her

"YOUR NOT GETTING AWAY UNTIL YOU BUY ME THE CANDY YOU STOLE FROM ME !" she screamed at her holding her down

" GET OFF OF ME !!!" tsume yelled

You had a sweatdrop as you watch the two fight until you saw 2 other girls walk over to them one with plum color long hair and the other with pink hair in a ponytail . for some reason they resembles the Sailor seasonal but there's no way that could be true.... Could it?

sailor moon fanfic X Reader book 1Where stories live. Discover now