Jadeite x reader

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 Requested by Master_Kunzite

You are out one night taking care of business and that was defeating the Dark Kingdom but just when you thought things couldn't get any harder you fell in love. That's right ladies and gentleman you are in love with the Dark Kingdom evil henchmen Jadeite , not only are you guy enemy's but you two are in love secretly lovers. When you to meet us as enemies but behind doors you guys are lovers

"im sorry i can't do this anymore" he said as he looks away from you

"come on , there has to be some way to fix this"

"you don't understand , if they find out that im with you it could be the end of me ....and you , your the last person i ever want to see get hurt" he said Caressing your cheek, tears filled your eyes you wanted to be with him forever but you knew he was right , this wasnt meant to be until a thought came to mind

"i'll get sailor moon"

"what ?"

"she can help , she can use her silver Crystal to heal you"

"are you sure?"

"of course , come on just give it a changen and ..."

"wait ,how do you know if sailor moon will help me?"

"trust me , she's a trusting person all we have to do is explain to her and im sure she will help you"

"...i don't know"

"don't back don't now, if you wan to be with me then you need to take chances!"you told him as he smiled

"your right , alright then lets do it" you smiled happily at this and couldn't wait , by the next night you and sailor moon met Jadeite in a warehouse and told her the hole story she was against it at first but understood and was just about to help until you guys were attacked as you saw it was Nephrite and Kunzite attacking . you and sailor moon tryed your best to fight them off but then Kunzite catch you off guard ready to kill you but Jadeite took the blow instead you cried as you watched helplessly as he fade away. It wasn't all bad a year later once you return to the Moon Kingdom after you and the Sailor Scouts defeated the dark Kingdom you were reunited with him as your future started with your lover 

sailor moon fanfic X Reader book 1Where stories live. Discover now