"Nate,"I yelled as I threw a knife at her.She staggered back her hand over where I threw the knifes.I mentally high-five myself.I ran up to where golden dust Nate was."This is all my fault,"I said as I picked up some of the dust in my hand,tears comings to my eyes.I started crying,yes like a baby,I know.I grabbed my bag and put some of his,"Dust,"in a bag,hey if there can be bat lady's in pizza parlors I might be able to bring him back.I sealed the bag in a hurry,I have to get out of here.I looked around,the door was no where in sight.I felt cold hands come over my mouth.I screamed as I looked at the hands,they where black,they where Kelli's."Let go of me,"I said my mouth muffled by her hand.She hissed in my ear,"Nooo."Then everything went black.

I woke up,my head throbbing,my vision partly blurry.I rubbed my head."Where am I,"I murmured under my breath.I felt around,all I could see was metal.I felt all the walls and a low ceiling above me.My vision was getting better by the second."Nate,"I yelled as I pounded on the metal walls that where cooled to the touch.There was a little window that I could see out of,I was in the pizza parlor that me and Nate where-Nate is dead.The pizza parlor was empty there was a sight that said:Sorry Where Closed!!I pressed my nose against the cold window.

"Hello,"I asked loudly,no one replied.I looked at the little space I was in.There was a odd looking floor underneath me and the walls where radiating heat.I pound on the window trying. To break it.I failed miserably.Sweat started trickling down my forehead.My shoes where starting to hurt,I am so glad that I didn't decide to were anything fancy.My legs where beginning to burn,literally.I screamed,it hurt I tried moving lifting them so it would cool them down.My hands where also beginning to burn,touch the cool walls,my stupid brain was thinking.I knew that if I touched the walls it would be like touching fire.I taking deep breaths,this is all a dream,I hope.

I looked at my poor hand it was turning blackish-reddish,I looked out the window again desperately looking for help.There where 2 teens sitting in a booth near the door,the boy had brown curly hair and a smile playing on his lips.The girl also had brown hair except she looked confused and scared a little bit.I saw there mouths moving,but I couldn't hear a thing.Kelli walked over in her small skirt,except she was back in her human form.After a minute of them talking Kelli went off to probably get some drinks.I pounded on the glass,the only surface that was burning hot.
"Help,"I yelled as hard as I could pounding harder feeling helpless.
They heard me,they stood up,looking like they could kill on sight.I was scared what if they where like Kelli?Deep in down I new that I could trust them.The girls eyesight mine for a split second.She pointed at me,showing me to the curly haired boy.They rushed over talking,but I couldn't hear a thing.The boy after a while opened the door to my prison,they both looked worried,more likely terrified.
The girl started picking the lock,the other boy was looking around....was that fire in his hand?The girl finally opened the door she tried to get me out,but she touched the walls and flinched,the walls where literally burning.The boy reached in,not effected by the burning heat at all and pulled me out.My legs where numb,I felt like I was just dropped in a volcano and eaten by hades...wait what who's hades?!The boy held me in his arms as if I could break any second.I looked down at my legs,they where charcoal black,years came to my eyes.The boy sat me down at a table,I panicked,"please don't eat me,I swear I don't taste good!"Lucy gave me a understanding look,"Where not monsters,we are just like you."She handed me a wet paper towel,I placed it on my knee carefully.

The door to the kitchen opened,and to my surprise Kelli walked through the door in her human form."She's coming,"I yelled trying to warn them as I moved the cloth to my head."Leo take her to the ship,I can Handel this,"the girl said as the earth slightly revolved around her,I was amazed.Leo nodded and picked me up carefully.As Leo was distracted,I grabbed the container with the dust,I wasn't giving up on Nate yet.

Leo exited the pizza shop in one swift motion."Hello,"I said trying to get my mind off of the horrible pain that was filling my body."Hi,"Leo said as he picked up speed."My name is Isabella daughter of Athena,do you know who Annabeth is,"I asked even though I didn't have a clue what I was talking about.Who is Annabeth?Who is Athena?All these questions raced threw my head....

*End Of The Flash Back*

Lucy's P.O.V

The little room stank,literally.I was bellow deck trying to find a fountain I needed to talk to Mary.The tiny room was filled with tiny boxes and random stuff Leo likes.There was a 1-Direction poster hanging on the wall,don't even ask.I heard foot steps along the ceiling,I bet it's Annabeth getting mad as Leo for eating our only hope.

I grinned as I finally found the little fountain.I sat down in ground of it,Indian style,as I turned the fountain on."Isis,please show me,Mary,who should be in Camp Half Blood,NY,"I said as I
got a drachma out of my pocket,I said a silent prayer and tossed it into the rainbow water.
The rainbow flickered,and a crying Mary appeared.

Hey guys,I hope you enjoy this chapter
Be expecting longer chapters....I hope
Anyway thanks for sticking with this book I love you^_^
I was reading the 1st chapter and I was like....wow
So I will be editing all the chapters,for stuff like grammar and to make it easer to read
As you noticed this is part 1 so.....ya
Vote,comment share,the drill

The Lost Daughter Of Gaea (a Percy Jackson fan-fic) [Under Major Editing]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя