Chapter 10

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I sighed loudly as Mr. David, my accounts teacher, tried to convince me to accept tutoring from Cole, who was apperantly a genius at the subject. He was leaning against the teacher's desk and smugly smirking at me. The class had just started to fill up as we had our little pleasant chat.

Mr. David sighed and tiredly shuffled the papers on his immaculate desk as he looked at me with a wary face.

"Brooke, be realistic for a second - if you don't accept help from someone for this subject and in my opinion, Cole is the best option-" Cole's grin grew even wider at that- "you may fail."

My eye compulsively twitched at that. He knew that my worst nightmare would be doing bad in a subject, let  alone failing it. I stood my ground though, and stubbornly repeated my answer.

"No." I said again looking at Cole. "I'm not accepting help from anyone, especially not this whore. So it's a  definite no." I said, as my teacher rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath.

Cole's eyes showed a flash of hurt, so quickly that it was gone in a second. His face turned into an angry one as he stood up straight and glared down at me. I admit I wasn't too proud of my hateful and harsh words but it just slipped out - I was surprised at myself too.

"Now listen here," Cole growled, "I may be a whore but I am definitely not dumb. Your stupid little hoity-toity attitude is really pissing me off. Try removing that pretentious and pompous stick stuck up your ass."

My eyes widened in anger as I jabbed my finger at his chest, scoffing.

"You are the most infuriating person I have ever met, and for your information, there is no stick there cause you took it to stick it up your -"

"Whoa, whoa, easy there, hold your horses," Mr, David said as he pulled us apart. I flipped Cole off when the teacher faced him and stormed out of the empty classroom. Like a little child, I stomped my feet in anger as I reached my locker, feeling frustrated and angry at my jerk-faced neighbor.


That day, I had reached home and immediately started working on my poorest subject. The thought of proving my teacher wrong gave me incentive, but not enough.

As I sat on my bed and revised my accounting papers, I suddenly felt guilty for letting my anger get to me and say nasty things, which was incredibly insensitive of me.

Quickly making up my mind, I grabbed my textbook and my papers, headed downstairs to grab a big bar of homemade chocolate, and walked out to go knock at my neighbor's door.

There was no one at home because my dad had gone to Brooklyn and Matt was at Liam's place for the night, so I took my keys with me.

I crossed the few feet separating mine and Cole's houses, the gravel crunching beneath my feet. Hesitantly, I knocked the wood softly and stepped back.

A few seconds later, Cole showed up and opened the door in his shirtless glory.

I gaped at the hard muscles, the ridged biceps and calloused abs and pecs that I knew could only originate from something as harsh as the army. There were no words to describe his beauty, each line and scar telling a different story. He was so big and broad, it scared me and, to my embarrassment, made my southern parts clench at the visual.

"You done staring?" Cole asked in a harsh tone, a scowl on his face but a strange emotion in his eyes.

I snapped myself out of my reverie and blushed from my roots to my toes.

"I'm sorry. I came here to apologize for my insensitive words a few hours ago, I really hope you'll forgive me - I didn't mean any of that. You're not a whore, and I had no right to call you one, no matter what. I hope you'll agree to teach me." The last part came out sounding like a question as I warily stood under his intense gaze.

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