Chapter 6

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The sun beat down on my pale legs as I huffed and climbed up the staircase towards the terrace in my house, a smile already taking place on my face. I had just returned from work, and it was a Sunday.

My legs carried me to the edge of the roof, where a ton of plants and two lawn chairs rested. This place used to be mine and my mother's special meeting point, where we'd talk for hours and do anything and everything. The one wall where the door was located was painted turquoise-sapphire, my favorite color. The lawn chairs were white, and had an umbrella over them, a coffee table between the two chairs. I smiled sadly when I remembered the first time I had come up here. Shaking the memories off, I plumped down on one of the lawn chairs, placing my iced tea and book on the table. After some time of relaxing under the sun, I picked my book and settled down in a comfortable position, taking occasional sips of my iced tea.

The sounds of laughter from next to me took me out of my reverie. Startled, I looked at the time on my watch and realized that the soft sunlight had now become the afternoon, harsh sunlight. I folded my legs to protect them from the sun and glanced at the other house. Cole, Liam, James, and Reece had stepped into Cole's terrace and were chilling on the bean bags scattered on the rough terrain of the roof. They were laughing and Cole was talking on the phone with a serious expression on his face, and I could hear him. He kept muttering 'Okay mom, yes I will, yes mother, OKAY I GOT IT, MOM.'

Cole shut his phone and sat down with Liam, James, and Reece.

"What happened?"James asked, and Cole sighed dramatically. He looked at Reece and James and suddenly his eyes caught mine. I blushed deeply and looked back down at the book, stuffing my face in it.

Smooth, Brooke. Smooth.

Just as I was starting to think he hadn't noticed me, I heard footsteps and saw that Cole had jumped from his rooftop to mine and was now walking towards me.

Cursing my bad luck, I slowly lowered the book, knowing there was no escape from my doom. Fixing a fake smile on my face, I looked up and drew a breath.

Cole's large frame drew nearer to me as I turned my head. With his intense stare that seemed to burn my skin, he looked lethal.

"What brings you to my humble abode today?" I asked sweetly, squinting to see his face.

"Well, since my newfound hobby seems to be annoying and irritating you, I decided to grace you with my presence." Liam, James, and Reece were looking at me and Cole curiously and Liam and Reece exchanged a knowing glance, smirking.

James just stared - he was so observant and seemed to have everyone figured out and looked like he knew everything.

I scoffed at his words. "New hobby? More like your desperation for action."

I could hear Reece snicker behind him at that.

Cole narrowed his eyes at me. "Action? I already have more than enough. Besides, even in my most desperate state, you would be the last person I'd come to for some excitement, innocent little Brooke." He tapped my nose in a mocking way and Liam and Reece laughed at his words.

I faltered at his words, my mouth slightly agape. Inside, I was fuming a little. Was I that bloody easy to read?

Cole backed away, his eyebrows furrowed in a fake concerned way. "What happened to your sassy mouth now, Brooke?" He smirked as I turned away, frowning.

Cole jumped from my roof to his and high fived Liam. I childishly stuck my tongue out at him.

Liam asked me something unexpected as the four of them headed towards the door.

Face To Call Home (Love Came In #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now