Chapter 3

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"Brooke!" I heard a voice shout behind me, and I turned around in the crowded school hallway, to see April, my best friend since we were 6, running towards me. Her hair was another colour today; instead of her natural honey blonde hair, it was died at the tips onwards with a pretty pink and purple colour, and I smiled at that. April was always changing her hair, her clothes, everything. She didn't give a horse shit about what people think of her, and I respected that a lot.

It was actually the last day of the first week of school - senior year was already terrifying. Matt and Cole's entry into school had caused quite a commotion, as I had expected. Girls drooled all over the hallways at them, and it made me want to puke, especially since one of them was my brother. 

"Should I even ask why?" I teased April as she came towards me and hugged me, referring to her changed hair. She smiled goofily, and I smiled back.

"So, do you want to come over today? We can have a movie marathon, and I'll call Amanda and Nate, too," I asked April. "Anyways it's been so long since we've had a movie night."

"Amanda what?" A voice said behind me, and I turned around just in time to see one of mine and April's closest friends, Amanda, before she tackled me in a hug. Amanda was really pretty and had hair like me, except it was a much lighter, while April had short, blonde hair. April had the figure of a model, but a little more curvier. Amanda was the definition of an hourglass, with glasses always perched on her nose and innocent face and eyes. 

"I was saying, why don't you both come over to my house today; I'll call Nate and we can have a movie night." I said, pleading with her with my eyes to say yes. Amanda was mostly always studying or working and rarely joined us when we hung out outside of school. Not that I went out a lot either, on top of being a nerd, I was also more of a homebody. 

The three of us talked for some time, making plans for tonight. A few minutes before the bell rang, Nate and Jack, my two other friends since we were young, came over and we started talking. As Amanda and April left for their class, I continued to talk to them.

"So, Jack, how was your date with Bella?" I asked Jack, referring to his date with one of the school's many cronies, turning towards him as the three of us walked to class.

He was popular in school, because of his good looks, his place as the co-captain of the football team and of course, for his reputation with the ladies.

Jack shuddered in a disgusted way. "Horrible; she may look hot and all, but she had the manners of a pig. And I'm pretty sure her brain is brand new, due to the fact that she's never used it."

I laughed at his disastrous event; Jack was a ladies' man, sure; but his tastes were about as specific as a little kid's food preferences: He would dump or date girls based on the most ridiculous of notions.

I remember asking him why he broke up with Rina, his girlfriend of 1 week, and he had answered with 'she had this small blackhead on the tip of her nose, and my attention kept going to it when we talked or made out. It annoyed me too much, so I couldn't go forward with her'.

I had just shaken my head in a despairing way.

"Well, you know I'm still single..." Nate said on my other side, hitting Jack on his ass. Nate was gay and not afraid to show it. They both were best friends, and Nate was always hitting on Jack, knowing very well how uncomfortable it made him.

I wasn't complaining though. It was about the funniest thing to watch Jack blush when Nate purposely flirts with Jack. That's one thing April and Nate have in common: they were different and weren't afraid to show it. 

Laughing at Jack's pink cheeks, we continued to proceed down the hall and for our classes. The corridor was filled to the brim with students rushing around to get to their classes, and it was sort of difficult to walk through.

Face To Call Home (Love Came In #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now