Chapter 7- Michael

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Colleen sauntered in through the front door at around ten. I looked up from the game I was playing on my phone to catch her hanging up her keys and starting for the stairs. Mom and dad had gone to bed already along with Jessie and Robin so it was just Colleen and I that was awake. I stood up and moved to where she was.

"How was your boy-toy?" I asked with a smirk. Colleen rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Or should I ask how much of the movie did you watch instead?" Colleen's jaw ticked.

"We didn't do anything, Michael." She stated. "Just watched a movie." I nodded, my smirk widening. "And last I checked, I don't have to take relationship advice from you." She remarked. "You haven't even had a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Just fuck buddies." She smiled wickedly. I flared my nostrils and balled my fists at my side. "And you're ten minutes older than me, not ten years. You don't have a big brother card to pull on me." I rolled my eyes. Colleen continued up the stairs. I stared after her before heading to my room as well.


"Master Stark, it is time for you to wake up." JARVIS announced. I groaned and opened my eyes, staring up at my ceiling. After a minute of just staring, I got up and headed downstairs to find Colleen already eating breakfast. She had a bowl of cereal, yogurt, and a glass of orange juice. I glared at her as I made my way over to the fridge.

"Morning jackass." She muttered under her breath. I rolled my eyes and grab a container of yogurt before grabbing a spoon. Robin and Jessie came trudging downstairs, getting their own breakfast ready. "Mom and dad got called into the office for an early meeting so I'm driving us to school. Rob, you have to take the bus." Robin nodded as she took a bite of her toast. I scrunched my nose.

"Why can't I drive us?" I asked. Colleen looked up from her breakfast.

"Because mom said I was. And what mom says goes." I rolled my eyes before eating my yogurt. Of course Mommy's Little Princess got put in charge of driving us to school. If it were up to him, I'm sure mom would appoint you the president. "So hurry up and eat so we can get there early." I rolled my eyes again.

Once everyone was done eating, we went and got dressed. I just threw on a shirt and shorts before putting my shoes on and going back downstairs and grabbing my backpack. Colleen came down a second later, flipping her hair back as she swung her backpack onto her back. We waited for Jessie before climbing into Colleen's care and heading to school.


I walked into my first period class which just so happened to be an elective as well. Obviously it wasn't Norse Mythology but it was about the Avengers. This school is super weird when it came to picking the electives.

Since we still had a few minutes before the bell rang to begin class and I had no one to talk to, I decided to spark up a conversation with my sister. Damn, I must've been really bored if I decided to talk to my sister.

How's first period? I asked her. There was a pause and I could practically see her rolling her eyes at me.

It hasn't started yet! She stated. I'll inform you when it does. Now, don't you have anyone else you could bother except me? I rolled my eyes.

Not really. There's no one I know in this class. I admitted, looking around the room.

Then make friends. I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

Who are you going to be learning about first? I asked, turning the conversation topic back to her. She loves talking about herself.

The teacher decided to change the lesson plans because he was fascinated with the reaction everyone gave when I had said Loki. She remarked, clearly bored by all of the questions. Can we speed this up? Johnny's starting to stare.

Well if you had mastered the art of not looking like you're mentally unstable when communicating. . . I started. She didn't respond. Are you starting with mom?

Yes. Now, who are you learning about first in your class? She asked and I could hear the smirk in her voice. I got your schedule, I know what you have now.

Captain America. I admitted with a roll of my eyes. Which was all fine and dandy until the teacher said she would be bringing in the Avengers as we start learning more about them.

The ones that are still together or. . .? Colleen drifted off, suddenly seeming a lot more intrigued.

All six. I told her. Which I don't see how that's possible. No one's found Rogers, Barnes, Maximoff, and Barton in years.

Who's your teacher?

A Ms. Potts. Colleen was silent for a long time.

Ms. Potts as in Pepper Potts? Like our father's ex-girlfriend and former business partner Pepper Potts? Colleen asked before laughing. If she says she'll bring them, she'll bring 'em. She has ways of finding things out. My eyes widened as the name registered in my brain. I shot up in my seat, bumping into the table. The girl sitting next to me eyes me questioningly. I shrugged.

"Uh. . . Guy problem." I lied. She looked down before looking away.

If she's Pepper. . . Ah crap, I really thought I was going to graduate next year without my secret getting revealed.

She's not going to say anything. Colleen assured just before the bell rung. Now I'm going to pay attention to class. Talk to you later, loser. I rolled my eyes as the teacher walked into the classroom.

"Hello everyone." She greeted. "Can anyone tell me who made the serum for Mr. Rogers?" Pepper asked as she eyed me. Oh crap, I'm gonna look like the teacher's pet in this class. "Michael?"

"A doctor by the name of Abraham Erskine." I answered. "But Howard Stark helped with the operation." I quickly added. She smiled.

"Very good. And the metal they used to make his shield?" This time someone else raised their hand. She was a pretty girl with long blonde hair. "Kayla?"

"Vibranium." She answered.

"Very good. Now here's a small biography about Mister Steve Rogers." Pepper commented before passing out a sheet of paper that we had to read for the rest of class. It only took me five minutes and it was super boring. I dashed out of the room as soon as the bell rang.

"Hey speedy!" I heard Colleen call. Halting in my tracks, I glared at her.

"What?" I asked.

"You're gonna run into somebody." She remarked. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, let's go to class." We walked into math class and sat down in our assigned seat. Since the seating chart was alphabetical, Colleen and I had to sit together.

Second day of school and I already don't like her. I remarked. Colleen rolled her eyes.

Of course you don't. You don't like anything related to math. Colleen turned to look at me. "And you want to run a business?" I rolled my eyes. "You're going to use math when it comes to the company and the stocks." I looked away.

"Shut up." I muttered. The bell rang a moment later and the teacher started handing out this thick packet. I pouted while Colleen smirked.

"You have to finish pages 1-5 by the end of today. Whatever you don't finish will be homework. No group work!" He remarked. I started flipping through my packet and frowned before looking over at my sister. Colleen had already started doing the assignment.

Work together? I asked. Colleen paused in her math work for a second.

He said no group work. She finally declared.

I know what he said. But if we communicate through our minds he won't know. Colleen set her pencil down and turned to look at me.

I'm not breaking the rules for you. Not you, not Jessica, not Robin. If you can't handle this then what are you going to do with the company? I rolled my eyes and looked away, turning to the assignment.

Fine, whatever. I can finish this on my own.

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