Chapter 3- Michael

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The four of us walked inside once we got home. I slid off my backpack and left it by the door; there was nothing important in there anyway. Colleen hung hers up on one of the hooks dad installed when we were younger specifically for our backpacks. I rolled my eyes; she always has to do the right thing. 

"Do you guys have any homework?" Mom asked I walked into the kitchen to pull out my leftovers from this morning. I looked over to him, raising an eyebrow. 

"Mom, it's the first day of school." I responded. "Of course we don't have any homework. We barely did any work to begin with." Colleen rolled her eyes.

"I was just asking, Michael." Mom stated calmly. "Do you two have any classes together?"

"Math and lunch." Colleen answered, not looking up from her phone. I raised an eyebrow. What could possibly be so important that she couldn't look up? The only person she talks to is Johnny and it's not like she's that popular on her Instagram. I keep telling her that she should drop the facade and just switch to her actual name but she doesn't like that idea. She thinks it's just using our last name for popularity. If that's not the point of having our last name than what is?

"Bummer." Jessie remarked as she swung her backpack onto the floor next to mine. I waited for the pancakes to reheat. "But I guess that's well deserved. Colleen is an honors student and Michael you're, well, a student." I shot her a look. 

"Thanks sis." I commented. She shrugged. Robin threw her backpack onto the floor next to ours before walking upstairs to her room. I shook my head slightly; she had to perk up. "I'm really feeling the love." I turned my back to the room to get my pancakes out of the microwave. Colleen's phone clicked off as she huffed.

"Maybe if you want to receive love, you give love." She suggested. I rolled my eyes. "But enough about you. You aren't important." I turned around and glared at her. She didn't seem to care. "So my first class is an elective this year." Colleen started to rant.

"Go on sweetie, we're listening." Dad told her as everyone started paying attention to her. There goes perfect Colleen ranting about how perfect her life is. I stabbed a piece of my pancake before shoving it into my mouth, eating it angrily.

"And I'm kinda running out of options so I chose the Norse Mythology class." She continued. I swallowed before gasping.

"Is Colleen Olivia Stark, our straight A student, taking a class she know's will guarantee her an easy A?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "I thought such a thing was beneath you?" She straightened.

"Like I said, I'm running out of options." She repeated. "But since it is our junior year and colleges are starting to look at our grades to see if we deserve scholarships or not, I kind of need the easy A." She added. I rolled my eyes. She really didn't but whatever.

"So you chose the stupid Norse Mythology class?" I asked. "You could've taken the superhero one that I chose." She crossed her arms, sending me a pointed look. "I never said getting easy A's were beneath me." I countered. She rolled her eyes, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Jessie.

"'Stupid Norse Mythology class'?" Mom mouthed. Dad shrugged. "'Stupid Norse Mythology class'." Mom repeated. "You know, if it weren't for Norse Mythology you wouldn't be here."

I rolled my eyes, stabbing another piece of my breakfast with my fork. "Not what I meant mom." Mom smiled. I knew he was only joking.

"So we went around the class and said our name and what god we like." Colleen continued. "And obviously I said mom. You know what everyone's reaction was?" She waited for someone to answer but we never did. I could've but I just didn't care that much. "They gasped and then questioned me about it! They even went as low as dragging the battle of New York into it! And when I told them you changed and had kids they said-" She paused, looking to the floor. "They said that we were probably just as evil." She whispered. I don't think mom or dad heard her. 

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