Chapter 2- Colleen

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After Michael left, I walked into school and grabbed my class schedule. Jessie had gotten hers the previous day so she left to go meet up with some friends. Then I decided to be nice and grab my brother's schedule since our fake names are pretty close in the alphabet. But my brother can wait so I decided to put the posters in my locker real quick. While I was standing there, a pair of arms wrapped around my stomach and someone's head rested on my shoulder. He kissed my cheek as I laughed softly and turned to face the blonde.

"Johnny." I warned. He pulled away whining. I smiled and rolled my eyes as he leaned against the locker next to mine. "We've talked about this." He nodded his head.

"I know, I know. You don't have time for a boyfriend right now." He repeated. "Or ever." He muttered. I shot him a look. "But that doesn't make you less hot." I rolled my eyes. "Especially in blue. You know I love blue on you." I smirked. "Have since before the storm and still do after." My smirk turned more into a smile.

"Half the time I do it just to taunt you." I admitted, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. Johnny rolled his eyes. I booped his nose. He scrunched it up. "What do you have first hour?"

"Norse mythology." He admitted, looking to his schedule. My eyebrows shot up.

"So do I." I stated. He looked up and smiled. "We can walk there together then." He nodded. We stayed quiet for longer than I would've liked. "C'mon, Michael should be here soon. We should go greet him. Plus I've got to show around this new kid." Johnny nodded. I hated lying to him but I couldn't tell Johnny who I was just yet. Not until I was certain he wouldn't flip. We walked back over to the front of the building.

Michael walked in with a guy at his side. He had a black eye and a busted up lip from what I could tell. Johnny and I exchanged a look before picking up our pace. I handed Michael his schedule before checking over the boy at his side.

"Here." I muttered. The boy appeared to be fine other than what I already noticed. I turned to my twin brother. "I looked over it already. We only have math and lunch together. How you managed to get into that high of a math class I will never know." Michael rolled his eyes.

"That's too bad. I was totally looking forward to having you in all of my classes." Michael said, thick with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes.

"I can never understand why you two hangout if you despise each other." Johnny stated. Michael smirked. I elbowed him before side hugging him.

"We don't despise one another." I corrected. He's just an insufferable slacker that gets handed everything he wants. "We just bicker like siblings." I continued then pulled away, wiping my hand on my shorts. "When was the last time you showered?" Michael shrugged. I scrunched my nose. "That's disgusting." He shrugged again. I shook my head and turned to the new kid. "Hi, I'm Colleen Andrews. I would offer you my hand but, uh, yeah." I greeted. He smiled.

"Neil Barnes and that's totally understandable." He greeted back. My eyes widened slightly upon hearing that last name. I knew only one person by that name and I never wanted to see him again. Along with his husband.

"You're the new kid I'm supposed to show around." I stated with a fake smile. "Sorry I didn't grab your schedule, by the way. I didn't know you were going to be walking in with my brother." Johnny and Neil raised an eyebrow. Michael crossed his arms. I mentally cursed myself. "Like I said, we're like siblings." Michael rolled his eyes as the other two nodded. I glanced at the clock. "Can I show you around after school? It's almost first period and I can't be late." Neil nodded. "Thank you. You can get your schedule right over there." I pointed over to where I got my schedule. Neil nodded again and started walking over there.

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