A Family

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Lia was whimpering was she stared at the tall creature. It had several mouths going down its body. It had no feet or...Anything...Then how was it moving...?

Arian almost fell. ".....Sh*t." She cursed, realizing how tall it was. (Ash_Roses, remember? XD)

Roxanne lifted Pippo up and placed him on her shoulders. She started to run. "Come on guys hurry it up!"

Arian shook her head then grabbed Xaden's should. "Hurry up!" She snapped.

Xaden and Arian ran right behind Roxanne. Eventually Alex and Lia snapped back to their senses and also started to run down the dirt path.

After about a mile and a half, they all had to stop because another door blocked their path. "This must lead up to the entrance!" Lia exclaimed as she pounded on the door.

"Then open it!" Roxanne snapped. She put Pippo down. "Guys go open that door I'll hold it off" She took out her sword from her back and charged toward the monster.

"Wait! I'll help!" Arian started to shoot at it with her arrows.

Xaden made his hand glow blue and touched the door. "Guys hurry up!"

Lia and Alex made their hands glow too and touched the door. They waited...Waited...Nothing happened. Lia stomped her foot on the ground and pouted. "Man we need everyone! Flicker! Roxy! Ignore that thing for a moment and get over here!"

"AHHH!" Lia winced when she saw Roxanne being thrown back. She hit the door and slid down to the ground with a sickening thud. She groaned then fell to her side and fell unconscious. Pippo ran to her side.

"Again...Sh*t." Arian shot another arrow.

"Try making both hands glow." Xaden suggested. He held both of his hand up to his face and concentrated. Eventually, both of his hands glowed a bright blue. He smiled with satisfaction. "It's not that hard come on!"

Alex and Lia tried it. As soon as their hands glowed, they all placed their hands on the door and it opened. "Come on Arian!" Xaden called.

Alex picked Roxanne up and carried her bridal style. He jerked his head toward the opening and ran outside with the rest of the group behind him.

They made it outside. The Long Long Demon was right behind them, but as soon as it came into the sunlight, it screeched with pain and went back into the Darkness. "Ah! I see! It's been in the Darkness too long." Alex exclaimed.

Lia stuck out her tongue as the door slowly started to close. "Haha! Sucker!"

"Lia! Leave it alone." Arian told her while strapping her bow across her chest. She looked at her back to count how many arrows she had left. "Aw man I need to resupply on arrows..."

"Come to my village then!" Pippo exclaimed happily. "We have plenty of weapons there. Roxanne can also rest for as long as she needs to!"

Lia leaned over to Arian and whispered in her ear, "It's probably a bunch of logs and water."

"Well, follow me. There's a lake just a few minutes from here. Across that lake is our village." Pippo started to walk forward down another dirt path.

Alex looked over to his right, seeing another path that more than likely led to the Town. But he decided just to follow Pippo.


They walked to the lake and climbed on a raft. They paddled across the lake and hit land. They pulled the raft fully onto the land then headed through two large cliffs on their sides. As soon as they got to the end, some more otters came out and greeted them.

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