Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 12

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"You should talk to him," I stated casually. She shook her head and waved her hands at me frantically, getting more embarrassed by the second. "Do you two know each other?"

"He goes to my school. His family established one of the biggest chain of banks across the country."

I thought for a few seconds, "how about you two dance? That way you don't have to awkwardly stand and converse with each other," I suggested.

Slowly, she nodded. Nothing bad could come from a short dance, not unless she had the same experience I just did. I left to go over to the boy. He and the three other boys he was stood with bowed towards me.

"It would greatly honour me, if you danced with Lady Sabrina," I stated. Straight to the point so he would feel inclined to do as I said. I wasn't sure where this sudden bout of confidence arose from but I liked it. If they liked each other, what better way to possibly start something than a dance? Dances were social events, so no one would think nothing of it.

His eyes darted from Sabrina over to me, "it would honour me too," he said, bowing once again and sauntered over to a wide-eyed Sabrina. I gave her a thumbs up and went over to the orchestra and asked them to play a short, slow song when the pair made their way to the dance floor.

As I was ambling back to Leyton and The Duke and Duchess, Jayden appeared in front of me, a drink in each hand. "Fancy a drink? Red wine." He handed me the glass. "You okay? You looked a little flustered after your dance."

"I'm fine," I wearily responded. Since when did he care how others felt? And why was he watching me? "Do you know anyone by the name of Sutain? He's french."

"Never heard of him. Why?"

"He said we'd met a couple of times. He said some... odd things too."

"Odd things like what?"

"He seemed to have a detailed description of Alexander's condition. He also put the blame on the Monaghan family for allowing Alexander to get kidnapped. Then proceeded to ask if I would do anything to get him back."

"What did he look like?"

"I don't know. His face was completely covered. He had brown hair though."

"Okay, useless," he smirked when he saw my annoyed expression. It wasn't like I could just tear the mask away from his face! "but, I will look at the guest books."

"Okay, thanks."

He'd have to be in the guest books; you couldn't enter the grounds without signing in. I just really wanted to know who the man was and why he knew so much. Maybe he could help us. But I suppose... if he had wanted to help, he would've offered, instead of being so weird about it.

I spent the next hour after Jayden left m talking with the numerous guests. They were inquisitive as to how I got chosen, and what it was really like being a human. Some were also very interested in the charity work I had done back home. As well as donations, some had even offered to send any supplies we needed to get back how we were, which was very generous of them. As well as conversing, I'd also been invited to dance a few times. All of which were normal, unlike the one with Sutain.

Midway through a conversation with two Barons, Charlotte approached us and asked to borrow me. It was time to reveal how much money had been donated. She hooked arms with me and ushered me into the side room that had a door that led directly to the stage. After talking to a few of the guests, I felt much more comfortable in front of everyone. They were good people.

Leandra was up on stage, gathering the attention of the guests and announcing that we would be revealing how much we'd managed to make, with the average donation amount now being 412,000 auri.

"I hope you're good with large numbers," whispered Charlotte as she lightly shoved me to get my legs walking to the stage with an envelope in my hands.

"The total amount you've raised is..."

Leandra looked at me to open the envelope. Inside, was a gold piece of paper with the figure on it. The audience was silent as they stared up at us, eager to find out what they accomplished.

"108,544,000 auri!" We announced in sync.

The audience clapped and applauded, as did I as I congratulated everyone.

"This is an incredibly generous amount of money you've all donated and I hope you feel proud of yourselves and aware of what this money will do for the people of Nox Aterrima. Thank you, and thank you, Charlotte and Leyton, for arranging all of this."

The clapping continued as we walked off of the stage. I couldn't believe how much money these people gave. There were no more than 250 guests. That money was a lot here and would be worth way more back at home, in England.

No more than an hour later, and all the guests were gone. It took a little while since they were all taken off the grounds by horse and carriage, due to the owner forbidding vehicles in the garden and there weren't that many horses.

It was close to 11 pm and a wave of tiredness hit me when a yawn forced its way out of my body. Charlotte squeezed my shoulders. She looked about as tired as I probably did, we all looked knackered. It was time for bed, we were leaving tomorrow. I said goodnight and excused myself to my room.

It wasn't until I removed my dress, that I realised how restricted my breathing had become. It felt good to be able to breathe normally again.

Once in bed, I fell asleep immediately.

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