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The signs are obvious, they are everywhere
All that we hear about is the gloom and despair Too many would be prophets sayin'
"It's the end of it all"
'Cause mother earth can't take much more
The hammer's gonna fall

So nature has its needs,
that's a lesson learned
But it appears to me
there are greater concerns
'Cause we can save the planet
Thinkin' we will somehow survive
But father time is calling us
To save somebody's life, so

I won't bend and I won't break
I won't water down my faith
I won't compromise in a world of desperation
What has been I cannot change
But for tomorrow and today
I must be a light for future generations

If we could find a way to
preserve our faith
So those who follow us
See the price that was paid
Then maybe when they question
What it's gonna take to survive
They'll find the strength to carry on
In what we leave behind

I won't bend and I won't break
I won't water down my faith
I won't compromise in a world of desperation
What has been I cannot change
But for tomorrow and today
I must be a light for future generations

Lookin' in the eyes of the children
Knowing that tomorrow is at stake
When the choice is up to them
Will they have the strength to say

We won't bend and we won't break
we won't water down our faith
We won't compromise in a world of desperation
What has been we cannot change
But for tomorrow and today
We must be a light for future generations

I won't bend and I won't break
I won't water down my faith
I won't compromise in a world of desperation
What has been I cannot change
But for tomorrow and today
I must be a light for future generations.

It took a few days for Evanora to be brought to my room as they were making sure she was healthy and fine on her own. I got a bunch of photos with her for people to keep the memories. I sit there holding her and she falls asleep so I put her back in her crib. I grab out a pen and write her another letter.

I am writing this while watching you sleep so peacefully. You were born a few days ago, you came earlier than planned but you are healthy and that's what matters.
I'm trying to think of what your life might be like in the future am I see so many possibilities for you.
I don't know what the future holds for you and it's sad to think I won't see it. I know you have lots of support and will be taken care of.
I hope you like the name I gave you, it was something I had always liked since I was a kid. It has importance to me as you choose to be who you are and don't have to be like everyone else, stand out.
As for Ann be proud, it has been passed through the generations of the family with a female from each generation having it.

I may not know anything about your life right now as you are reading this. I'm sure that you would have been told some stories about the family and maybe me. I always learnt from my parents and here is something I learned from them.
Make the most of what you do, have fun and enjoy it while you can. Things change constantly, you control what you want in your life and if you work hard you can keep what you want.

I don't know what you like but growing up music, art and books were three of the most important things to me.
I loved to be able to escape to another place or feel like I was travelling. Do what you love.
Do the things that scare you, it will be worth it. It's better to be able to look back and say 'I can't believe I did that' then look back and say 'I wish I did that'.

It's hard to know what to write in these letters which is why they are so short, I wanted you to be able to be able to have something from me that was just for you.

I will end this with a quote that was important to me "Don't ever stray away from yourself to get closer to someone else"

I love you Ev

I put the letter away with the others.

It takes a week for Ev to be released, the adoption process was going to have a few issues so we found a solution by me making Joe and Casey godparents so they have custody when something happens to me. As I can't go home they were able to take her home with them. They bring her in to visit and my parents or friends come to see me, no one knows quite how long I have so we are all making the most of the time while we have it.

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