Satisfaction Brought it Bat

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I couldn't sleep. Selina was on my brain. Unanswered questions were popping up in my head one after the other. Where is she? Why haven't I seen her in ten years? Why did she keep our daughter from me? What will happen when I find her? Will she try to hide again, keep Michelle away?

I thought back to the last time I saw Ms. Kyle. It was her birthday. Things seemed so perfect. After that day I couldn't even get her to answer a phone call.

Believe me, I wasn't stalling trying to find her. I wanted to find her. I needed answers. But whoever has her, what ever happened, there were no traces no tracks. Every day that she was missing was another day that she was closer to death. God, I hoped she wasn't dead. There was no body, so that kept my hope alive. I think about Michelle and how everyday without her mother is torment for her. Her blue eyes look up at me with so much wonder I would hate for that wonder and innocence to leave in the blink of an eye. Like it did with me.

Like I saw with Dick.

The eight year old's life was turned upside down in a split second when he saw his family fall to their deaths. I don't want that for Michelle. The way she hugged me when I came home. I don't want to imagine how she would look if I didn't come home. I don't want to witness how she would look if I told her that she would never be able to see her mom again.

I know how it feels and I would never want that for her. Or Damian for that matter. He doesn't like to show emotions but the few times he has let's me believe that he cares for me at least a little.

My mind was racing a million miles a minute. Nights like these there's no hope for sleep. I threw the blankets off of me and swung my legs off the side and stood. I stretched before making my way to the cave.

I was surprised to see the entrance was open. It was probably Damian but I still entered the secret room ready to fight. I walked down the steps silently. When I came in to view of the Bat computer my eyebrows raised as small pale hands typed away on the keyboard.

"Michelle?" I asked in disbelief.

She didn't jump, she just turned the chair around and waved at me. "Hi," she greeted. "I'm sorry I just couldn't sleep." She explained then went back to typing.

I stood there with my mouth agape. She wasn't shy at all, I'm sure she gets that from her mother.

I walked closer, looking at what she was doing. A bunch of articles were pulled up, some videos, and she was still typing. "What are you doing?" I asked just as she pulled up an article about a ruby necklace.

"Well I remembered some stuff that might help find my mom but I didn't want to wake you, so I came down here to look it up myself." She said as she read off of the screen.

I started reading it too. It was a part of a traveling auction. "I couldn't sleep either, you can come to me with anything, anytime." I informed her. "What have you found out?" I asked not really understanding why I was reading what I was reading.

"Well I forgot that with the information my mom left me there was a picture of a necklace." She pulled up a picture on the screen. "This one."

"Okay." I said. "Is that it?"

She shook her head. "No. It was the piece that was being auctioned off in September, when it was in New York, and that's around the time my mom went missing."

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh." I read more. "Who was in charge-" before I could finish talking she was typing away.

"This guy, Aleks Diebeaux." She struggled to pronounce the name. "He's a rich guy, do you know him?" She chuckled.

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