Birds Eye View

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I saw my friend leave the makeshift hospital room, shutting the door behind him. "How's she holding up, Alfred?"

"The girl is stable," he assured me. "her blood work came back, sir."

"Well? What's the verdict?" I asked quietly.

"She's definitely yours..." His tone was apologetic but I swear there was a look of delight on his weathered face. "And Selina Kyle's."

I took a step back. When? How? But that did explain a lot. Why we stopped having our visits. I thought she had actually found someone better, someone with less baggage than me; although, that would be literally anyone. It turns out I had added to her load. The girl lying in that bed had to be about ten, maybe eleven. For a decade Selina was taking care of our child, alone.

My back hit the wall behind me, I slid down it sitting on the ground running my hands through my hair. Alfred gave me a sympathetic look but walked off, leaving me to my thoughts. I thought back to the last time me and Selina... our last night together, it was different from most nights, it was beautiful. It was passionate. It seemed everything was right in the world and problems didn't exist. After that I was planning on asking her to marry me, at first I was scared she would reject me; but that night I thought we shared something special, so I convinced myself to ask her the next time I saw her.

I didn't see her for more than a year. During that time many ideas ran through my head: dead, resigned, settled down. Never baby. Never my baby.

This was different than how Damian got here. I was coherent, it was consensual, it was sensual. So why didn't Selina ever tell me about her? Was she ashamed of me? Or maybe she was scared of the problems I would bring along if I entered their lives. So that led me to the question of where was Catwoman now?

"Bruce... Hey Bruce! Snap out of it!" Jason waived his hand in front of my face and I slowly raised my head to look at him.

"What is it?" I said, gritting my teeth.

He pursed his lips. "Alfred said your daughter would be waking up soon. But he can't be there because he's going to pick up your son from school."  He narrowed his eyes at me.

I looked at the floor and smoothed my hair back. "You go welcome her to the family, I'm going to check a few things on the bat computer." I sighed, standing and straightening my slacks. I guess I would have to take my brooding to the cave.


I woke up to digital beeping noises and the occasional loud curse word. I opened my eyes and found a large man sitting at my bedside, bent over his cellphone. The sight made me giggle softly and the giggle made me groan. He didn't look up from his phone, now I could see why mom didn't want me to have one. I was still hurt, my whole right side sore, just sore. I'm sure they had me on something to ease the pain cause I've broken a bone before and they just don't feel sore after an.. hour? Two?

I cleared my throat. "How long have I been out?" I called to the man.

"Oh shit, you're awake!" His head snapped up, surprise on his deep voice.

"Hi." I smiled weakly. Was he the doctor or something? Friend or foe?

He put his phone in his pocket. "You've been unconscious for about sixteen hours." He said calmly and I stared at him in horror, that was a long time.

He stood up. My jaw dropped when I saw how massive he was. "My name is Jason Todd, do you remember who you are?" He asked me.

I nodded, maybe he was just a very casual doctor, maybe the drugs are clouding my brain. "Michelle Kyle." I said strongly.

A Little Birdy Told Me (Bat Family)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ