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"You never answered my question! What's your real name?" Birdy asked, her brow furrowing.

"Well my middle name is Jewel, I'd prefer to keep it at that..." I trailed off when she started to pout.

Andy and Patty nodded. Lucky put a hand on Birdy's shoulder. "Don't pry, people are allowed to keep some things secret." Birdy seemed to let it go and I sighed in relief, one less thing to torture me.

We all jumped as the door made a loud sound I looked to the other girls in question, they didn't notice me and moved slowly to the door. I jumped again as a hand touched my shoulder... It was Olly, the girl who was asleep when I got here. She had a mop of Brown hair and wild green eyes. "Dinner." she whispered to me and made her way to the door behind the other four girls.


The place reeked, it was pitch black but dripping from the pipes above me could be heard. My body was sore. Even if I wasn't tied to a chair I wouldn't be able to move. I didn't wish for death, not even after this long. Too much to look forward to. Too much to live for.

Light filled the room as a door opened and I involuntarily shuttered. A masked figure made his way passed the threshold. My eyes took him in.

"New guy huh? And I was just getting warmed up with the last one. I was gonna take him all the way." I purred

"I advise you to watch your mouth, you wouldn't want it sewn shut." he threatened.

"Oh you didn't get the memo? Cats don't hold their own tongues." I managed to wink and smirk. "Besides. You need me to talk, anyway."

"Exactly." he knelt down to my level, and rested a finger under my chin, lifting it. "So why don't you tell me who the Batman is?" he said sweetly.

"Of course! He's the masked vigilante of Gotham." I smiled.

"Yes, I know that, but who is he under the cowl and costume?" he tried to hide his annoyance.

"Good question. I think he's a man, but you know there's a rumor that he's actually a vampire. Now that seems to good to be t-" I was cut off by his hand clenching tightly around my throat.

"His name?" he didn't raise his voice and he loosened his grip on my throat.

"Batman, duh." I choked out and rolled my eyes.

"You wouldn't want me to test that nine lives theory would you?" he whispered in my ear menacingly.

"No." I whispered back.

"Then tell me who Batman is."

Bruce Wayne. "I don't know."

He punched me and my head flew to the left.

"You know if you break my jaw my mouth would have to be wired shut." I couldn't hold back the tears that came with the pain, not that I cared if he saw, he would take them for weakness, but I would never let up.

"Who is Batman?" He asked, ignoring me.

My lover. "I don't know."

He seemed to take my warning seriously as he just slapped me this time, the taste of iron filled my mouth. "Yes you do! Who is Batman?"

The father of my only child. "I don't know."

He was getting ready to back hand me.

"Okay okay!" I pleaded.

"You ready to talk?"



"I am Batman." I grinned and he went through with his back-hand slap.

A Little Birdy Told Me (Bat Family)Where stories live. Discover now